Road Trip: Trinity College, Hartford, Conn.
I'm still working on that one, but he reminded me of another player I'd made a mental note about. That was Dale Plummer. I'd featured Plummer way back in February 2010. It turned out, he was a rather interesting guy. He never made the majors, he got called up but couldn't go due to injury, and that came after he'd came back from cancer.
Plummer was then, and still is, the head coach at Colby College in Waterville, Maine. It's kind of in the neighborhood of my upstate NY home, but still, not a day trip.
Reminded of that mental note recently, I took a look at Colby's schedule, that's what took me this past Saturday to Trinity College in Hartford, Conn. It was the closest the Colby Mules would come to me this season.
One quick e-mail, would Plummer be interested in sitting for an interview? Yes, he would. And I was on my way. The interview was great, but it wasn't an actual sit-down interview. It was actually standing - at the Colby bench after the game.
We covered most of what I wanted to hit. I even got to talk to one of his graduates, in town for the game. I've got the interview write-up going up tomorrow, probably in a couple parts like the other recent ones.
For now, I figured I'd introduce the interview with a quick rundown of the road trip. And, as a setting for baseball, Trinity College is a pretty good one.
It also makes for a striking backdrop from the third-base bleachers.
The baseball field is among several other athletic fields on the campus, including the football field and track. It's oriented so home plate is toward the center.
The game itself wasn't a good one for the Colby Mules. On a blustery day, Colby hitter Richard Newton lead off with a home run. It was the only home run of the day. But it was, by far, not the only run to cross the plate.
Colby scored seven more on the day. Those came, however, after the game was already out of hand. Trinity scored 19.
Colby held Trinity in the first, but couldn't in the second, giving up seven runs. Colby attempted a comeback - they scored five in the seventh. But it was too late.
So check back tomorrow for the interview with "Coach Plum." For now, you can check out my research-based Plummer feature from last week: Close Calls.