A to Z: 1990 Minor League Players, Baseball Profiles

What happened to your favorite minor league team in 1990? Find out here. Since late 2009, the players of 1990 have been featured at Greatest21Days.com, one at a time. Here, they've been ordered here alphabetically. 

Every player has a story. With the help of contemporaneous newspaper articles, find that story here.

Most recent players added Dec. 1, 2024
List of 1990 minor league players featured, in alphabetical order:

Total: 4,457

 - Tom Allison saw playing time as basis for career as scout, 6/13/21
 - Beau Allred saw parts of 3 majors seasons with Indians, 12/29/11

 - Bob Ayrault made bigs over 2 seasons with Phillies, Mariners, 9/9/10
 - Oscar Azocar saw 3 majors seasons, free-swinger reputation, 6/17/10
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 - Matt Cakora progressed enough to make AA over 4 seasons, 11/23/23

 - Roberto Castillo saw 3 minors seasons, Angels single-A, 9/3/22
 - Kevin Castleberry saw decade as pro, made AAA, Taiwan, 6/12/23

 - Cris Colon remembered advice, made majors over 14 games, 6/28/22 

 - Tim Dell played for fun over 6 seasons, more, made AA, 11/1/21
 - Bob Deller, Fielder's Choice, 10/5/15
 - Tom Deller, Gutsy Performance, 3/27/18
 - Joe Dellicarri proved gutsy over 7 pro seasons, made AAA, 7/1/19
 - Mark DelPiano showed his work ethic as player, coach, scout, 8/19/23
 - Roberto Del Pozo, Delivered It, 11/4/14
 - Maximo Del Rosario, Crazy Sidewinder, 4/5/15
 - Rich DeLucia, Of Relief, 11/12/14
 - Tim Demerson, Best For, 3/12/19
 - Doug Demetre, Talked Up, 10/8/15
 - Jim Dennison impressed Red Sox scouts as a lefty; Saw four pro seasons, made high-A, 6/29/21
 - Drew Denson, Extra Homers, 11/12/10
 - Rich DePastino, Work Ethic, 2/17/18
 - John DeRicco, Time Off, 4/27/13
 - Rob Derksen, That Energy, 7/4/17
 - Todd Dewey looked at new organization as new shot at bigs; Saw six seasons, made AAA, 4/22/23
 - Alberto Diaz made perfect sacrifice in 1991, saw 5 seasons, 5/14/18
 - Alex Diaz, Type of Game, 10/25/10
 - Andres Diaz went form Dominican to pros, saw two seasons, 6/4/19
 - Carlos Diaz, Brief Stay, 6/3/11
 - German Diaz, Position Switch, 4/24/13
 - Mario Diaz, Helped Win, 2/24/14
 - Rafael Diaz returned from Mexico with a new chance in 1997; Never made bigs, 12/11/19
 - Remigio Diaz, Came Through, 11/8/15
 - Sandy Diaz saw 4 seasons, high-A, 10/25/14
 - Steve Diaz, Minors Life, 11/21/15
 - Steve DiBartolomeo liked pitching in relief, saw 3 seasons, 1/25/20
 - Bobby Dickerson made majors as coach, 7/12/13
 - Lance Dickson, Called Up, 4/29/13
 - Patrick Dietrick, Tie-Breaker, 7/6/12
 - Dick Dietz, Called Back, 2/8/13
 - Dickie Dixon spotted ball, made high-A, 6/22/24
 - Eddie Dixon, Chance to Pitch, 8/23/10
 - Steve Dixon pitched with much energy; Saw six ML appearances over two seasons, 6/17/15
 - Bill Dodd, Playing Baseball, 8/19/17
 - Tom Dodd, A Success, 6/3/12
 - Bo Dodson, Sunk In, 11/29/15
 - Pat Dodson, Impressive Spring, 10/10/14
 - Scott Doffek, All Climates, 12/2/17
 - Bruce Dostal made bigs in 8th season, never got in game, 2/18/22
 - Sean Doty, Steady Pitching, 5/17/13
 - Jim Doyle helped Salt Lake to cheap win, saw one season, 2/8/25
 - Tom Doyle, Tested Love, 6/17/14
 - Marek Drabinski, Stayed On, 12/9/16
 - Moe Drabowsky, Psychological Rewards, 3/26/12
 - Brian Drahman, For Him, 6/5/13
 - Sam Drake, International Diplomacy, 6/18/17
 - Willie Dukes played 3 seasons, then became firefighter, 6/21/21
 - Tim Dulin, Good Competition, 11/23/11
 - Durham Bulls' famous snorting bull, 9/3/24
 - Joe Durham, Does Good, 4/6/13
 - Linton Dyer tried different plate approach, saw six seasons, 1/14/24
 - Mike Dyer, Opportunity to Pitch, 6/26/10
 - Andy Dziadkowiec, Third Round, 5/8/11
 - Jim Edmonds adjusted to 17 ML seasons, 4/20/24
 - Dave Edwards, Proper Attention, 1/8/16
 - Jeff Edwards, Back In Shape, 2/9/11
 - Jerome Edwards, More Aggressive, 7/28/17
 - Ryan Edwards, Decent Year, 5/12/13
 - Sam Edwards, Top Priority, 7/10/17
 - Todd Edwards got his chance at pros; Lasted four seasons in field and on mound, made high-A, 7/26/20
 - Robert Eenhoorn, Over There, 10/3/15
 - Dave Eiland, Part of the Game, 9/30/11
 - Joey Eischen, Unusual Approach, 6/11/14
 - Lee Elia played, managed, remembered for what he said, 10/22/21
 - Jason Elick, Collected Himself, 6/30/15
 - Rocky Elli, Too Much, 9/15/19
 - Donnie Elliott, In Shock, 1/1/13
 - Dottie Elsea stepped in as Kingsport team president, later became team GM, 5/8/22
 - Alan Embree, This Long, 3/15/15
 - Todd Embry, Pitching Limit, 7/5/14
 - Chris Emerick, All-Around, 12/18/13
 - Art Emm pitched well in rookie ball, saw 3 pro seasons, 6/22/18
 - Koichi Emoto played in Japan Central League, Salinas, 11/21/13
 - Juan Encarnacion, Produced Many, 10/2/13
 - Luis Encarnacion played 8 seasons, made Royals for 4 games, 7/17/10
 - Dave Engle, Best Shot, 6/30/14
 - Tom Engle, Really Neat, 3/26/17
 - Daren Epley, Proper Mechanics, 4/20/14
 - Jim Eppard, Stay Ready, 7/20/12
 - Mike Erb, Surfer Image, 11/6/10
 - Brad Erdman, Kept Playing, 4/22/13
 - Jim Eschen tried to move up himself as a player, later worked to help others as minors manager, 6/3/21
 - John Escobar, Bald Power, 12/26/12
 - Jose Escobar, Long Wait, 6/20/12
 - Dan Eskew, Fluid Motion, 1/2/17
 - Willie Espinal, First Class, 6/15/15
 - Carlos Espinoza, Ended Up, 12/17/13
 - Duane Espy, Eyes Open, 5/7/11
 - David Esquer led as college coach, played 3 pro seasons, 5/1/15
 - Jim Essian, Risk-Taker, 3/31/12
 - Chris Estep, Own Run, 3/30/18
 - Joe Estes, Two Wins, 2/14/13
 - Chuck Estrada, In Condition, 1/3/15
 - Mark Ettles proved aggressive enough to make bigs; Made it out of native Australia, 9/3/21
 - Tony Eusebio, Hit Anything, 8/19/16
 - Brian Evans, Into Perspective, 5/23/14
 - David Evans, Played Hard, 10/27/12
 - Mike Evans, Previous Stints, 5/28/17
 - Carl Everett, Played Hard, 3/20/19
 - Bill Evers, Worked For, 3/27/16
 - Troy Evers, Quality Game, 12/21/14
 - Greg Everson, Big Pitch, 3/6/13
 - Jim Faulk challenged the wind over five pro seasons, made AA, 1/18/21
 - Craig Faulkner, Ran Out, 4/4/11
 - Scott Faurot, Outside Pitch, 11/22/17
 - Brian Faw, Pro Ball, 3/21/19
 - Jeff Fayne, Top Team, 2/28/17
 - Rob Fazekas pitched better than his record in college; Played two seasons as a pro, 4/20/20
 - Joe Federico, Triple Play, 5/9/17
 - Antonio Felix, Career Night, 4/11/18
 - Nathanael Felix, His Name, 3/22/19
 - Ed Ferm tested his arm at Lakeland; Played four pro seasons, made high-A, 9/7/21
 - Carlos Fermin, Game Winner, 9/9/16
 - Dan Fernandez, Backup Catcher, 2/15/13
 - Joey Fernandez, Waited For, 4/23/17
 - Bruce Fields, Impression Left, 11/14/11
 - Mike Fier, Back Out, 12/19/13
 - Mike Figga, Long Way, 3/26/19
 - Bien Figueroa, Stayed Healthy, 8/20/11
 - Fernando Figueroa, Third Save, 12/16/14
 - Bobby Filotei, Fist Pump, 5/8/13
 - Pete Filson liked to play, saw majors over seven seasons, 6/20/11
 - Rusty Filter, Good Sense, 9/17/13
 - Tom Fine, Lost Concentration, 2/18/13
 - Steve Finken kept ML dream alive over five pro seasons, 12/19/18
 - Brian Finley, Ninth Inning, 8/19/17
 - John Finn, Long Career, 12/2/15
 - Mike Fiore took top college career to Olympic gold; Later played three pro seasons, made AA, 7/17/22 
 - Steve Fireovid, Level of Determination, 10/13/11
 - Brad Fischer, An Idea, 12/6/14
 - Jeff Fischer, Up and Down, 12/31/11
 - Tom Fischer, Level of Play, 11/9/10
 - Mike Fischlin, Whole Deal, 10/28/13
 - John Fishel, Anything Asked, 10/1/12
 - Brian Fisher, Good Idea, 12/30/11
 - Jack Fisher, Home Runs, 4/25/18
 - Corby Fister, Big Inning, 12/5/16
 - Doug Fitzer saw 6 seasons, made AA, 10/17/17
 - Dave Fitzgerald, Impress Somebody, 12/10/15
 - Mike Fitzgerald, His Best, 3/8/19
 - Rob Fitzgerald believed he saw an opening to the majors; Never made it above AA, 12/8/19
 - Dan Flanagan, Two Scoreless, 1/23/13
 - John Flaherty, Show Them, 10/29/10
 - Daniel Flath worked as a batboy in Sarasota; Later appears to have gone into real estate, coaching his kids, 1/22/22
 - Oneri Fleita, Positive Way, 2/22/16
 - Dave Fleming, Fully Appreciated, 11/9/18
 - Keith Fleming, Stayed In, 6/20/17
 - Huck Flener, Cut Short, 8/8/13
 - Bob Fletcher returned from elbow injury that cost a season' Saw three pro campaigns, made high-A, 2/20/22
 - Darrin Fletcher, A Lot of Pride, 1/10/11
 - Dave Fletcher, Three Games, 1/28/17
 - Dennis Fletcher, Come-Backer, 6/10/15
 - Paul Fletcher, Pretty Amazing, 12/24/12
 - Seth Fogler worked hard as a trainer in college, then worked hard as trainer over his career, 3/20/22
 - Jim Foley, Complete Game, 1/24/15
 - Marty Foley, Other Nights, 9/30/14
 - Marv Foley, Still Communicating, 2/20/11
 - P.J. Forbes, His Tenacity, 6/6/16
 - Calvin Ford, Outfield Assist, 7/31/13
 - Steve Ford, Dodger Way, 11/16/17
 - Stewart Ford, Closed Out, 7/3/15
 - Brook Fordyce, Newfound Confidence, 6/30/18
 - Jeff Forney, Skills Learned, 8/18/17
 - Gary Forrester made contact, high-A, 10/4/20
 - Tom Forrester, In Style, 4/8/17
 - Tim Fortugno, It All, 6/11/17
 - Dan Freed started strong in Expos organization; Played five pro seasons, made AA, later became scout, 12/28/20
 - Dean Freeland, Still Thought, 1/6/19
 - Lavel Freeman, Tough Decision, 10/16/10
 - Marvin Freeman, Fine Arm, 6/7/11
 - Pete Freeman, Preserved Win, 2/21/15
 - Scott Freeman, Staff Lead, 11/20/17
 - Howie Freiling, Appreciated That, 6/6/19
 - Jeff Frye did what he needed to do to see eight ML seasons, hit for cycle; Later became agent, 7/2/2
 - Travis Fryman, Blue Collar, 9/28/11
 - Jon Fuller, Building Confidence, 1/30/14
 - Edwards Fully, Biggest Hits, 3/19/17
 - Ed Fulton, Confidence Built, 8/26/17
 - Greg Fulton, Best Defense, 9/27/10
 - Nathan Fults, Critical Look, 11/26/16
 - Mark Funderburk made bigs, went to Italy, made bigs again, 11/3/13
 - Manuel Furcal, Long Save, 11/13/14
 - Mike Gaddie trained in minors, at WKU, 8/28/24
 - Robert Gaddy, Breaking Ball, 12/28/12
 - Horace Gaither made adjustments at plate in third pro season, didn't get another; Briefly made AAA, 12/23/21
 - Steve Gajkowski, Always Hope, 3/8/15
 - Dan Gakeler, Not Complicated, 8/7/10
 - Rich Gale, Had To, 1/3/14
 - Luis Galindez, Really Late, 6/19/14
 - Luis Galindo, Three Hits, 10/6/13
 - Luis Gallardo, Three Hits, 10/4/15
 - Mike Galle, No Idea, 12/16/17
 - Mike Galvan ran out of gas in college win; Played four pro seasons, made high-A, 1/7/22
 - Balvino Galvez, Had Trouble, 11/2/14
 - Tom Gamboa, On The Field, 3/2/12
 - Bob Gamez, Home Run, 5/30/16
 - Joe Ganote, First Hit, 8/21/13
 - Jeff Garber used his work ethic to make AAA, later manage, 1/9/24
 - Jesus Garces, Young Age, 7/12/17
 - Rich Garces, Proved Himself, 2/26/13
 - Robinson Garces, Four Frames, 1/25/19
 - Anastacio Garcia, His Grin, 1/23/17
 - Ramon Garcia went out and did his best over three major league seasons, 1/13/22
 - Raphael Garcia, Entire Way, 1/27/17
 - Victor Garcia, Started Camp, 11/25/12
 - Billy Gardner Jr. followed his father into long coaching, managing career; Played briefly, 6/6/21
 - Chris Gardner, Confidence-Builder, 9/19/13
 - Glen Gardner, Aggressive Hitter, 1/18/14
 - Jeff Gardner, Every Day, 9/18/10
 - John Gardner played seven seasons, then became a firefighter; Made AAA, not bigs, 1/4/20
 - Scott Gardner, Hopes Were, 7/27/13
 - Willie Gardner, Winning Season, 8/2/13
 - Chris Garibaldo got signed in 'danger zone,' saw 3 seasons, 12/13/23
 - Chaon Garland, Final Level, 3/12/14
 - Tim Garland, Could Do, 1/2/15
 - Pat Garman, That Night, 7/13/12
 - Darrin Garner, Coming Along, 12/22/15
 - Clifton Garrett, Top Shape, 6/16/16
 - Gil Garrido, Can't Wait, 1/27/14
 - Webster Garrison, Credit for Hitting, 7/4/10
 - Russ Garside, Some Credit, 7/24/14
 - Chris Gies made AA over 4 pro seasons, 8/10/20
 - Mark Gieseke, Nothing Fancy, 11/2/15
 - Rob Giesecke arrived at Vero Beach with Dodgers, made home, 11/24/18
 - Danny Gil, Playing Time, 5/4/16
 - Brent Gilbert, Third Win, 3/27/19
 - Brian Giles believed he could produce, if every day player; Saw 15 ML seasons, 9/2/23
 - Bernard Gilkey, In The Lineup, 1/5/11
 - Chris Gill, Different Style, 1/31/14
 - Tom Gilles, Major Leaguer, 9/15/10
 - Mike Gillette, Baseball Syndrome, 3/14/16
 - Sean Gilliam, Best Season, 8/5/12
 - John Gilligan, Caught Fishing, 2/4/17
 - Tim Gillis, Got Two, 1/25/14
 - K.C. Gillum, Tied Up, 5/16/13
 - Matt Gilmore, More Excited, 3/9/15
 - Terry Gilmore, Groove Found, 5/15/12
 - Tony Gilmore, Much Confidence, 1/21/16
 - Fred Gladding learned much about pitching, then made bigs over 13 seasons, coached, 8/4/22
 - Steve Glass, Pro Ball, 12/9/14
 - Leon Glenn, Two Doubles, 6/23/17
 - Tom Glick served as Jamestown Expos intern in 1990; In 2019, he serves as Carolina Panthers team president, 12/28/19
 - Gene Glynn, Higher Level, 6/20/14
 - Tyson Godfrey, Couldn't Pass, 7/24/13
 - Darrell Goedhart, Three Pitches, 1/4/13
 - Todd Goergen, Few Fireworks, 12/11/12
 - Jerry Goff, Dreamt It, 7/21/11
 - Mike Goff, Concentrate On, 12/24/14
 - Doug Gogolewski closed for Mariano, 12/1/10
 - Fabio Gomez raped and murdered his neighbor in 1999; He's now on Arizona's Death Row, 8/3/22
 - Henry Gomez started well at AAA, then hit a rough spot, 10/20/19
 - Leo Gomez, His Opportunity, 7/5/11
 - Orlando Gomez, Stayed Young, 5/31/14
 - Pat Gomez, Did Whatever, 11/18/16
 - Pete Gonzalez believed he'd make bigs in five years; Saw eight pro seasons, made AAA, 2/13/22
 - Ruben Gonzalez, Enjoyed Himself, 6/30/11
 - Wallace Gonzalez, Offensive Praise, 8/25/15
 - Dave Gorman turned pro and turned to pitching; Played in two pro seasons, made single-A, 4/2/21 
 - Dirk Gorman, Postseason Honors, 5/21/19
 - Chris Gorton, His Fastball, 6/9/17
 - Frank Gould, Third Win, 1/19/13
 - Mauro Gozzo, Real Test, 11/8/11
 - Michael Grace, Extended Lead, 12/12/13
 - John Graham, Baseball Town, 4/29/17
 - Tim Graham worked on his swing and improved; Saw eight pro seasons, briefly made AA, 7/14/21
 - Joe Grahe, His Ability, 9/16/17
 - Mike Grahovac, Unbelievable Feeling, 7/30/17
 - Larry Grant proved useful as hitter and in the field; Saw three pro seasons, made high-A, 7/24/21
 - Mark Grater, Pitching Assignment, 4/24/11
 - John Graves, Save Earned, 5/31/14
 - Richie Grayum really learned the game in college, then played six pro seasons; Passed in 2020, 3/1/21
 - Eli Grba, Grew Up, 7/12/17
 - Brett Grebe, Dedicated To, 7/7/15
 - Brian Grebeck, Felt Good, 5/7/16
 - Daryl Green, Reached Back, 1/6/17
 - Don Green, Two Seasons, 6/15/15
 - Gary Green, With It, 4/24/12
 - Otis Green, Arm Strength, 3/29/11
 - Rick Green suffered devastating injury, 10/9/17
 - Steve Green, Four Hits, 10/10/13
 - Tom Green wanted a chance to contribute; Did so over four seasons, made AAA, not bigs, 2/25/20
 - Tommy Greene, Country Hardball, 1/24/12
 - Willie Greene, His Game, 8/12/11
 - Kip Gross chose Japan over the bigs and became a regular; Saw six ML seasons, five in Japan, 5/30/22
 - Jeff Grotewold, Fun Run, 9/14/14
 - Matt Grott, Saw Results, 4/4/15
 - Scott Grove, Good Movement, 1/23/14
 - Johnny Grubb, Done Everything, 5/9/10
 - Dan Grunhard, Liked to Play, 12/4/11
 - Larry Gryskevich, Home Run, 6/5/15
 - Harry Guanchez, Home Run, 9/28/18
 - Ino Guerrero drew easy comparisons to movie character, later threw in ML home run derby, 4/2/23
 - Juan Guerrero, Pretty Exciting, 4/5/16
 - Mike Guerrero, One Way, 11/14/15
 - Sandy Guerrero, Incredible Moment, 1/12/19
 - Todd Guggiana played four pro seasons, then turned scout, 8/2/20
 - Mike Guilfoyle, That Feeling, 10/16/16
 - Brian Guinn, Each Game, 12/2/11
 - Hugh Gulledge, His Heroes, 5/1/16
 - Don Gullett took injury-ended career to long time as coach, 8/11/17
 - Lincoln Gumbs, Two Returns, 1/21/16
 - John Gumpf hit grand slam at Kenosha, 7/8/24
 - Eric Gunderson, Soon Lost, 3/20/12
 - Greg Gunderson, Gameday Decision, 12/20/12
 - Jeffrey Gunn, Supplied Offense, 7/11/17
 - Ed Gustafson, Been Around, 1/21/15
 - Mark Guthrie, Did Continue, 6/9/14
 - Anthony Gutierrez, Get Worse, 8/5/10
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 - David Haas made bigs over three seasons, each with Tigers, 10/12/13
 - David Haber, Big Game, 10/6/18
 - John Habyan, Valuable Role, 2/1/12
 - Kevin Haeberle, Caught Up, 11/25/14
 - Greg Haeger, Second Transition, 10/2/16
 - Joe Hall made White Sox, hit wall, 2/16/19
 - Todd Hall, Endorsement Deal, 7/22/11
 - Jim Haller, Double Play, 1/16/15
 - Allen Halliday, Complete Season, 12/11/16
 - Mike Ham, Defensive Catcher, 4/16/16
 - Bob Hamelin saw 6 ML seasons, won Rookie of Year with Royals, 9/16/11
 - Carl Hamilton, Got Drafted, 9/26/17
 - Ken Hamilton showed some bulldog in rookie ball; Played four seasons, made high-A, 6/11/20
 - Scott Hamilton, Thrilled To, 11/29/15
 - Roy Hammargren, High Level, 5/13/13
 - Chris Hammond, Lot of Fun, 7/31/11
 - David Hammond, New Title, 7/13/17
 - Mark Hampton played over decade, saw high-A, independents, 1/14/16
 - Chris Hancock, Relief Pitcher, 1/27/15
 - Lee Hancock, Offensive Lineman, 12/27/14
 - Marcus Hanel missed the bigs in 11 seasons; Been there in two decades since as bullpen catcher, 3/22/20
 - Chris Haney returned to the majors over 11 seasons, also played in Japan, 12/18/19
 - Todd Haney, His Role, 7/16/11
 - Ron Hanisch, Knew Success, 12/27/16
 - Mike Hankins, Having Fun, 10/8/15
 - Milt Harper worked to win over decade as pro, made AA, Taiwan; Died in Taiwan in 1993 at age 31, 11/20/20
 - Terry Harper, Playing Time, 4/11/15
 - Donny Harrel, Best Thing, 7/19/18
 - Greg Harrel, Listened To, 3/24/19
 - Butch Harris impressed with hitting, saw one pro season, 1/19/25
 - Donald Harris, Run Down, 2/11/12
 - Doug Harris, His Job, 10/10/18
 - James Harris, Base Hits, 7/10/18
 - Ray Harris, Funnest Time, 1/3/17
 - Robert Harris, Not Fulfilled, 7/15/14
 - Rusty Harris, Doubled Off, 6/11/17
 - Vince Harris, Played for Bochy, 8/19/10
 - Walt Harris, Extraordinary Catch, 7/2/18
 - Brian Harrison, Super Job, 10/31/15
 - Mike Hart spent enough time in the game, more than three decades, as player, coach, 7/28/21
 - Shelby Hart, Inside-the-Park, 1/7/13
 - Dean Hartgraves, Long Time, 7/19/16
 - Reid Hartmann, Higher Levels, 6/20/18
 - Jeff Hartsock, Things Happened, 12/21/18
 - Andy Hartung, Far Enough, 4/28/13
 - Rob Hartwig, Went Back, 6/17/13
 - Greg Harvey worked on his mechanics over five pro seasons, 12/23/23
 - Bill Haselman, Best Job, 8/11/11
 - Chris Haslock, Continued Chance, 10/27/15
 - Brad Hassinger, Awesome Experience, 7/22/17
 - Chris Hatcher, Caught On, 1/6/16
 - Hilly Hathaway, Good One, 5/25/16
 - Wayne Hattaway, First Game, 3/7/16
 - Troy Haugen, How Committed, 6/12/17
 - Ryan Hawblitzel, Did It, 7/19/13
 - Rob Hays had a good enough arm to turn pro, play two seasons; Made single-A, 10/29/22
 - Ray Hayward, Best Shot, 6/16/14
 - Jeff Hearron, Natural Swing, 2/5/11
 - Kelly Heath, Drawing Comparisons, 11/7/10
 - Lee Heath, Defensive Prospect, 12/13/14
 - Jeff Heathcock, Special Win, 5/15/10
 - Steve Hecht, Key to Success, 3/29/16
 - Wally Heckel, Didn't Forget, 9/12/13
 - Pat Hedge hit the ball over three pro seasons, later turned roving strength coach, 1/11/23
 - Darren Hedley, The Rest, 2/11/15
 - Bert Heffernan, Three Things, 1/13/19
 - Shawn Heiden, About Everything, 2/3/16
 - Mike Heifferon, Hometown Trainer, 4/12/11
 - Jim Heilgeist, Came Together, 12/25/13
 - Gordon Heimueller, Never Worked, 11/16/13
 - Eric Helfand, Shut Down, 3/22/14
 - Wayne Helm, Prove Himself, 5/30/16
 - Tony Helmick saw three pro seasons, 9/23/20
 - Mike Helms, Missed It, 1/24/13
 - Tommy Helms both played and coached in  majors with Pete Rose; In 1989, he took over after Rose's ban, 2/26/21
 - Keith Helton, Go-To Guy, 7/12/10
 - Scott Hemond, Catching Job, 3/1/11
 - Sam Hence, Early Lead, 3/9/15
 - David Henderson played 6 seasons, suffered collapsed lung, 3/19/24
 - Lee Henderson, Throw Home, 8/30/14
 - Pedro Henderson, Best Season, 3/17/15
 - Ramon Henderson, His Losses, 7/19/17
 - Steve Henderson made majors, coached, 6/10/14
 - Brett Hendley, College Hits, 10/11/19
 - Steve Hendricks, Good Breaks, 10/10/15
 - Tom Henke, Good Memories, 4/7/19
 - Dan Henley, Heady Ballplayer, 4/19/12
 - Rich Henning, Fundamentals Stressed, 10/28/16
 - Randy Hennis, Roller Coaster, 7/9/12
 - Dan Henrikson, In Command, 12/23/17
 - Butch Henry saw 7 majors seasons, later coached in minors, 6/21/15
 - Jimmy Henry, His Resume, 10/23/16
 - Jon Henry got on pro roll, made AAA, 7/11/24
 - Scott Henry, All-Conference, 1/3/16
 - Chuck Hensley, Good Move, 12/20/14
 - Mike Hensley, Those Things, 5/14/17
 - Pat Hentgen, Big Difference, 3/22/13
 - Gil Heredia, What Counts, 6/17/12
 - Arned Hernandez went UNLV to pros, 5/14/14
 - Carlos Hernandez, Worked Hard, 7/10/12
 - Cesar Hernandez, Differences Made, 4/16/14
 - Chuck Hernandez, Developing Pitchers, 7/18/11
 - Kiki Hernandez worked hard mentally and physically over decade in pros; Topped out at AAA, 12/1/22
 - Luis Hernandez, Didn't Move, 9/14/16
 - Manny Hernandez, Few Minutes, 9/20/12
 - Marino Hernandez, Team Photo, 2/18/17
 - Roberto Hernandez, Will to Compete, 4/21/11
 - Rudy Hernandez, About Baseball, 6/7/19
 - Ezequiel Herrera, His Skills, 5/8/17
 - Vince Herring, Younger Pitcher, 2/7/13
 - Tim Herrmann, College Win, 3/4/16
 - Steve Hester, Small Club, 11/24/12
 - Eric Hetzel, Go Pitch, 10/14/17
 - Phil Hiatt, On Numbers, 7/30/18
 - Bryan Hickerson, Could Start, 4/11/16
 - Aman Hicks, Took Notice, 2/17/16
 - Dave Hierholzer, Vulture Wins, 8/31/18
 - Bill Higgins, College Asset, 2/20/15
 - Kevin Higgins, Heart Pounded, 10/26/15
 - Mark Higgins got crucial hit for first ML hit, only ML hit, 8/31/10
 - Chris Hill liked starting games, gave chance to be hero; Saw nine seasons, made AAA, 11/18/21
 - Eric Hill, Good Team, 6/15/13
 - Ken Hill, Emerging Talent, 8/29/17
 - Lew Hill, Tie Game, 1/12/15
 - Milt Hill, Good Competitor, 7/7/12
 - Orsino Hill worked to play every day over 12 years, made AAA, 6/15/12
 - Perry Hill, Infield Guru, 12/2/17
 - Shawn Hillegas, Personal Goal, 10/7/10
 - Charles Hillemann, Went Home, 8/22/12
 - Stewart Hillman, Canadian Olympian, 1/26/15
 - Trey Hillman, Adapt and Adjust, 4/11/11
 - Howard Hilton, Legitimate Chance, 3/25/12
 - Stan Hilton, His Command, 3/7/15
 - Fred Hina, Well Organized, 9/20/19
 - Keith Hines, First Game, 1/17/17
 - Maurice Hines, Playoff Wins, 2/10/15
 - Richard Hines, Finished Up, 3/29/19
 - Tim Hines, Successful Trip, 4/12/18
 - Mike Hinkle, College Honor, 10/26/12
 - George Hinshaw, Believing In, 10/28/11
 - Jeff Hirsch gained some attention with a spring training pitch, 10/27/19
 - Roy Hodge worked to play well over 9 seasons, made AA, 11/3/24
 - Tim Hodge, No Regrets, 2/5/18
 - Darren Hodges, His Own, 8/30/15
 - Steve Hodges, Baseball Guy, 11/12/16
 - Steve Hoeme picked up confidence at AA, saw nine pro seasons, 12/16/23
 - Troy Hoerner, Second Career, 10/31/14
 - Glenn Hoffman, Also Instruction, 10/20/11
 - Hunter Hoffman, Signed With, 3/13/16
 - Jeff Hoffman, Lot of Class, 9/7/11
 - John Hoffman followed father to pros, 11/8/17
 - Rich Hoffman played three pro seasons, made AA, got injured; Later turned career to physical therapy, 3/9/19
 - Rob Hoffman, Learning Experience, 5/20/19
 - Trevor Hoffman turned Hall reliever, 2/8/14
 - Chris Hoiles, Worked For, 8/1/11
 - Aaron Holbert made majors twice, nine seasons apart, 9/17/24
 - Ray Holbert, Teed Off, 7/4/14
 - David Holdridge, Which Way, 9/14/12
 - Rickey Holifield, Stepping Stone, 10/24/13
 - Randy Holland, Helped Heal, 12/26/18
 - Tim Holland extended his career with off-season work; Saw eight seasons, made AAA, 1/7/23
 - Dave Hollenback, Extra Duties, 8/4/17
 - Jessie Hollins, Gentle Giant, 5/2/13
 - Steve Hollins, Another Added, 7/23/17
 - Jack Hollis, New Direction, 2/2/14
 - Brad Holman, High Points, 9/1/18
 - Shawn Holman, Warm Feeling, 5/16/10
 - Dennis Holmberg, New Characters, 2/24/18
 - Bill Holmes, Major Prospect, 4/17/13
 - Darren Holmes, Battled Back, 6/17/11
 - Dave Holt played and managed in Red Sox system, and managed Blue Sox; Made AA, 5/24/22
 - Shawn Holtzclaw, Took Care, 10/18/13
 - Brett Holum, Fundamentally Sound, 10/1/13
 - Vince Holyfield, Good Plays, 9/27/14
 - Mark Holzemer, Hit Him, 9/21/17
 - Brent Honeywell worked on velocity over 3 seasons, as coach, 4/1/13
  - Dennis Hood, Just Unreal, 7/3/12
 - Michael Hoog, Mental Toughness, 11/23/16
 - Chris Hook, Didn't Always, 2/15/14
 - Mike Hook, Every Time, 4/28/18
 - Jeff Hooper, Brief Chance, 12/18/14
 - Mike Hooper did good job pitching in high school; Played as pro over four seasons, made high-A, 7/2/20
 - Burt Hooton, Next Game, 12/28/18
 - John Hoover, Some Only Dream, 8/29/10
 - Monty Hoppel, Most Important, 10/7/17
 - Brian Horton came up big ahead of Gibson for Dodgers in 1988 WS; Later had tough time after, 6/7/22
 - Dwayne Hosey, Box Scores, 3/3/14
 - Steve Hosey, Raw Tools, 11/19/10
 - Tom Hostetler, Near Perfect, 4/12/16
 - Tom Hotchkiss, College Outings, 2/6/17
 - Todd Hotz got playing time at Texas, then got it in the pros; Played a single pro campaign, then became attorney, 3/25/21
 - Stan Hough, Career in Baseball, 10/3/11
 - Bryan House, Only Problem, 6/30/12
 - Mike House, Different Path, 2/21/13
 - Joe Housey, Good Command, 4/20/13
 - Wayne Housie made majors over two seasons, 29 games, 11/18/13
 - Mel Houston, Height Comparison, 5/17/10
 - Tyler Houston, Learning To Hit, 11/3/10
 - Chris Howard took good chance to bigs, 7/14/13
 - Chris Howard, Chosen Sport, 12/26/14
 - David Howard, Stay Healthy, 3/2/13
 - Matt Howard made bigs in 8th season, 9/12/20
 - Ron Howard, Hoped To, 3/3/16
 - Steve Howard, Looked Good, 11/20/11
 - Thomas Howard made it over 11 major league seasons, six organizations, 5/4/14
 - Tim Howard, Long Time, 6/17/18
 - David Howell helped carry college team's offense; Saw five pro seasons, made AA, 12/10/22
 - Pat Howell, Like That, 4/17/18
 - Mark Howie, Paced Himself, 9/16/17
 - Dann Howitt, No More, 6/1/10
 - Joe Hubbard traveled as pro trainer, 6/18/24
 - John Hudek, Exceeded Goal, 11/9/11
 - Matt Hudik, Base Stealer, 8/7/13
 - Deryk Hudson, More Swings, 12/12/13
 - Lance Hudson played over a decade, sometimes got tagged a hot dog; Made AA, 4/19/22
 - Brad Huff, Fourth Round, 4/27/13
 - Mike Huff, Been Confident, 8/26/12
 - Keith Hughes, Some Enthusiasm, 1/15/12
 - Troy Hughes, Big Choice, 8/16/15
 - Rick Huisman, Own Memories, 7/7/17
 - Mark Huismann saw 9 ML campaigns, 7/28/10
 - Jeff Hull, Ran With, 11/13/13
 - Mike Humphreys knew spring numbers didn't matter, season numbers did; Saw time in three ML campaigns, 4/4/20
 - Todd Hundley broke single-season catching home run mark; Made 14 ML seasons, Mitchell Report, 6/8/19
 - Shannon Hunt, Many Levels, 1/2/18
 - Bert Hunter, Biggest Adjustment, 8/21/16
 - Brian L. Hunter, Working Quickly, 5/12/10
 - Brian R. Hunter, Hit it Hard, 10/9/11
 - Greg Hunter played, developed players, 10/20/17
 - Marty Hunter, His Approach, 12/21/17
 - Dave Huppert, Achieved Something, 1/6/19
 - Clint Hurdle, Much Time, 9/28/19
 - Gordon Hurlbert, Career Move, 3/2/16
 - Bob Hurlbutt, Prove Himself, 1/22/16
 - Butch Huskey saw seven major league seasons; Wore No. 42 for Jackie Robinson, 6/5/22
 - James Huslig, Throw Strikes, 1/29/13
 - Todd Hutcheson, Track Record, 4/3/11
 - Scott Hutson, Quality Start, 10/25/13
 - Paul Hutto impressed, saw 2 seasons, 12/31/13
 - Mark Hutton, Just Amazed, 12/30/14
 - Mike Huyler, That Call, 4/13/18
 - Jim Hvizda, Will Rot, 3/25/19
 - Mickey Hyde, In Play, 12/24/17
 - Tim Hyers, Their Swings, 1/29/17
 - Cole Hyson gave best shot over 5 seasons, opened pawn shop, 2/13/24
 - Adam Hyzdu, Prepared Himself, 1/26/13
 - Kennedy Infante got new chance, made AAA, missed bigs, 10/12/21
 - Tom Infante put up college numbers good enough for pros, 5/10/17
 - Randy Ingle had two priorities as minor league manager, 4/19/15
 - Garey Ingram saw the bigs as three times better than the minors; Saw 82 ML games, later coached, 6/12/20
 - Jeff Ingram, Big Hit, 4/26/17
 - John Ingram, Chance Encounter, 6/14/13
 - Linty Ingram, Pitching Chance, 3/3/16
 - Riccardo Ingram, His Will, 10/8/13
 - Jeff Innis, Regular Basis, 3/12/12
 - Tim Ireland, Pretty Legit, 3/3/12
 - Jeff Irish, Two Sports, 9/14/13
 - Michael Irwin, Low ERA, 1/19/16
 - Tom Iversen, Day Made, 9/28/15
 - Daryl Irvine, Sometimes Overthrew, 11/1/11
-Go to Top

 - Dave Jacas proved dynamic, made AAA, 6/11/11
 - Jeff Jackson, Had Confidence, 6/27/13
 - John Jackson, Gut Feeling, 1/20/13
 - Kenny Jackson, Huge Help, 12/15/15
 - Leverne Jackson, His Stats, 4/28/14
 - Juan Jaime, One Hit, 10/17/13
 - Howard James, New Guy, 5/30/15
 - Joey James, Game Flow, 1/25/15
 - Mike James, That Much, 12/22/18
 - Eric Jaques impressed in high school, played four seasons as a pro, 10/26/19
 - John Jarvis, Good Start, 1/17/15
 - Larry Jaster made bigs, coached, had success against Dodgers, 5/20/23
 - Jericho the Bat Dog got his break from Mike Veeck, became among team's most popular members, 4/2/22
 - Shawn Jeter, Up Here, 3/23/13
 - Earl Jewett, Big Key, 11/28/14
 - Trent Jewett, Baseball Man, 7/13/14
 - Alex Jimenez, Hit Streak, 6/18/19
 - Ramon Jimenez, Late Show, 5/14/10
 - Roberto Jimenez, Early Start, 3/15/15
 - Vincent Jiminez, More Fleeting, 7/1/15
 - Mike Jirschele made ML in 37th year, 5/17/14
 - Mike Jockish pitched well in summer league; Played three pro seasons, 11/6/23
 - Doug Johns, Pitch Variety, 12/12/15
 - Anthony Johnson, College List, 7/2/15
 - Ben Johnson scored winning run in high school playoff game; Played single season as pro, 3/10/20
 - Billy Johnson, Polished Pitcher, 9/1/14
 - Brian Johnson, Daily Battle, 1/3/15
 - Brian Johnson initially bypassed pros for college; Saw five pro seasons later, made AAA, 8/7/22
 - Carl Johnson, Just Fine, 3/6/15
 - Chris Johnson, Best Opportunity, 9/29/10
 - Curley 'Boo' Johnson played basketball for the Harlem Globetrotters, 11/19/19
 - Darron Johnson, Grand Slam, 9/2/18
 - Deron Johnson, His Niche, 4/19/13
 - Dominick Johnson, Important Things, 2/14/13
 - Don Johnson served as a Winston-Salem batboy, part of a long line, 2/7/20
 - Earnie Johnson, Came Through, 10/12/18
 - Erik Johnson, Greatest Influence, 5/30/14
 - Greg Johnson, Called On, 11/5/13
 - Ron Johnson became the perfect AAA manager, passed in 2021, 1/25/24
 - Scott Johnson, Award Winning, 4/20/17
 - Tim Johnson, Motivational Stories, 10/1/10
 - Willy Johnson, All-Star, 5/2/16
 - Dan Johnston, Well Enough, 1/18/15
 - Joel Johnston, Did It, 3/5/13
 - Barry Jones, Long Shot, 5/4/10
 - Bobby Jones turned around single-A slump with Joe Maddon's help; Saw four seasons, made AA, 9/15/22
 - Calvin Jones, Didn't Quit, 11/21/14
 - Chris Jones, Just Hit, 9/14/11
 - Chris Jones, Good Company, 3/24/13
 - Dennis Jones, So Well, 2/23/16
 - Jeff Jones, Basic Things, 5/2/10
 - Jim Jones, Well Orchestrated, 2/11/13
 - Jimmy Jones, Halfway Decent, 3/4/12
 - Kevin Jones, Bloop Single, 5/8/13
 - Kiki Jones started with high hopes, 9/24/20
 - Marty Jones, All Together, 1/17/16
 - Mike Jones, Not Through, 2/16/12
 - Motorboat Jones tried to hit over nine pro seasons, made AA; Gained moniker as child, 1/14/11
 - Ricky Jones, Common Dream, 12/21/12
 - Ron Jones, Sense of Competitiveness, 1/26/11
 - Shannon Jones struck out 18 in a college game; Played four pro seasons, 1/23/20
 - Todd Jones fulfilled potential over 16 ML seasons, 319 saves, 2/18/24
 - Tom Jones, Record Book, 6/24/13
 - Tommy Jones, Little Things, 9/2/12
 - Adrian Jordan, Quick Start, 9/10/16
 - Brian Jordan, Worked Out, 3/5/19
 - Kevin Jordan, Positive Attitude, 9/6/15
 - Jeff Kaiser got Griffey for 1st save, 6/20/10
 - Keith Kaiser, Two Lives, 8/7/17
 - Scott Kamieniecki got hurt, came back, 7/4/13
 - Todd Karli served as top-notch radio broadcaster for Reno, has since done same in TV sports, news, 11/21/20
 - Eric Karros, Some Longevity, 12/15/18
 - Steve Karsay, Every Emotion, 9/4/13
 - Kevin Kasper, More Fun, 1/25/15
 - Jim Kating, Baseball Mind, 12/24/16
 - Robbie Katzaroff knew all he could do was play hard; Played seven pro seasons, not in bigs, 12/7/19
 - Keith Kaub, Could Drive, 11/30/13
 - Steve Keighley worked to hit over 4 seasons, made high-A, 2/9/25
 - Chris Keim, Could Do, 5/16/13
 - Jeff Keitges, Home Run, 11/7/14
 - Carl Keliipuleole, College Performance, 10/14/10
 - Clyde Keller amassed baseball knowledge, 5/8/17
 - Dave Keller, Long Time, 3/13/15
 - Brian Kelly saw College WS title game, one pro season, 1/25/25
 - Joe Kelly, Versatile Pitcher, 12/9/17
 - John Kelly got outs over 8 pro seasons, 8/30/24
 - Kevin Kelly, Costly Losses, 1/14/14
 - Mike Kelly, Successful Run, 1/11/14
 - Pat Kelly saw 7 seasons with Yankees, 9/17/10
 - Pat Kelly, How Good, 9/24/12
 - Pat Kelly, Gamer Attitude, 11/24/14
 - Jeff Kelso, Hit It, 5/22/15
 - Hugh Kemp saw 8 pro seasons, AAA, 10/24/10
 - Robbie Kemper worked on confidence in pros; Saw two seasons, 10/11/23
 - Bo Kennedy, Not Here, 9/16/12
 - Kevin Kennedy, Communication Skills, 6/28/11
 - Mike Kennedy, Elon Product, 9/21/19
 - Jeff Kent, Emotionally Level, 2/22/18
 - Kevin Keon helped his college team to a win in relief; Played two pro campaigns, 4/30/20
 - Rob Kerrigan signed as pro with backing of uncle; Played five seasons, made high-A, 12/28/20
 - Joe Kesselmark, Finer Points, 4/19/14
 - Keith Kessinger, Proud Of, 2/21/16
 - Greg Kessler, Good Innings, 4/26/13
 - Doug Ketchen, Pitch Consistently, 1/9/16
 - Darryl Kile, Announced Starter, 4/22/10
 - Rusty Kilgo, Was Brilliant, 12/14/13
 - Paul Kilgus, Throw Strikes, 6/9/10
 - Harmon Killebrew, Some Shots, 8/12/19
 - John Kilner looked to be more consistent at single-A; Saw seven pro seasons, made AAA, 4/15/15
 - Scott Kimball, New Season, 6/25/17
 - Vince Kindred, Knocked One, 5/21/17
 - Bryan King, Could Compete, 12/28/14
 - David King played three pro seasons, 5/6/14
 - Doug King, Real Well, 2/14/14
 - Steve King worked for the Department of Defense, then resumed playing career in minors; Made AA, 9/24/22
 - Mike Kingery, Bounced Around, 2/19/11
 - Tyrone Kingwood, Raw Ability, 11/6/14
 - Matt Kinzer, Last Chance, 10/28/10
 - Jeff Kipila, More Comfortable, 5/9/15
 - Wayne Kirby, His Time, 1/9/12
 - Chuck Kirk, Slammed Closed, 7/30/13
 - Steve Kirkpatrick, Waited For, 9/20/14
 - Tim Kirt hit well in Legion ball, then made college and pros; Pro career lasted single season, 4/28/20
 - George Kissell taught 'The Cardinals Way' over 6+ decades, 9/29/24
 - Dale Kistaitis, Record Books, 1/8/17
 - Dale Kisten, Ran Out, 8/28/17
 - Dan Kite saw 4 injury-slowed seasons, 5/6/22
 - Daren Kizziah, Like That, 10/31/13
 - Clay Klavitter made 3 seasons, high-A, 11/5/17
 - Ryan Klesko delivered in 16 ML seasons, 5/18/10
 - Doug Kline, Everyone There, 6/5/19
 - Joe Klonoski, Praise Heaped, 12/19/17
 - Matt Kluge played strong defense, 10/26/17
 - Peter Kolb helped teams win as trainer, 6/4/24
 - Mike Koller, Arm Location, 3/8/16
 - Brad Komminsk made bigs with big expectations; Saw eight ML seasons, but fell short of forecast, 5/16/22
 - Takayuki Kono coached Japanese training in Salinas, 12/2/13
 - Bill Kooiman, Tight Pitch, 11/13/16
 - Bryn Kosco, Career Day, 4/3/14
 - Dru Kosco, Improved Everyday, 12/20/14
 - Kevin Koslofski, Took Off, 3/3/13
 - Darrin Kotch got back on track at Sumter in 1991 with three-inning save, 10/15/19
 - Randy Kotchman, Whole Field, 4/23/16
 - Tom Kotchman, All Business, 6/20/16
 - Tony Kounas got pro chance, saw AA, 11/12/17
 - Ty Kovach saw baseball, funeral work, 8/25/22
 - Frank Kowar, Save Record, 8/17/13
 - Brian Kowitz, Fantasy Land, 8/15/15
 - Darin Kracl saw 4 seasons, later admitted securities fraud, 6/18/11
 - Mike Kraft, Showed Patience, 5/26/17
 - Ken Krahenbuhl, Serious Pitcher, 7/30/13
 - Randy Kramer knew role with Pirates, 11/11/19
 - Rick Kranitz has gained knowledge, experience over four decades in game, as ML coach, 2/8/21
 - Ron Krause, Different Year, 12/7/13
 - Frank Kremblas, Most Fun, 12/8/12
 - Jimmy Kremers, Late Switch, 2/22/11
 - Curt Krippner had good fastball as high pick, saw 4 seasons, 11/25/15
 - Sean Krokroskia, Top Competitor, 12/25/17
 - Jack Krol, Dream Lived, 7/21/14
 - Sandy Krum, Great Opportunity, 3/11/18
 - Mark Krumback, That Kind, 11/23/12
 - Masahiro Kuboto knew acupuncture, 4/16/24
 - Chad Kuhn, Told Him, 3/19/15
 - Pete Kuld, Played On, 12/26/16
 - Lee Kuntz, Much Observation, 7/9/16
 - John Kupsey, Nice Kid, 11/29/14
 - Larry Lamphere made Pan Am team, saw three pro seasons, 3/26/24
 - Tom Lampkin, Ultimately Played, 11/24/11
 - Gary Lance, Those Games, 10/3/12
 - Gary Lance, Picked Up, 2/14/15
 - Rick Lancellotti, Worth It, 7/7/10
 - Carlos Landinez, Fast Start, 5/11/17
 - Ed Landphere helped college to win, saw 18 pro games, 11/24/13
 - Ced Landrum, Getting on Base, 8/15/10
 - Lee Langley suffered devastating on-field eye injury, then returned for one more season, 10/16/21
 - Brian Lane, His Day, 7/18/12
 - Gene Lane, Good Health, 10/11/16
 - Heath Lane, Decisions Made, 10/17/15
 - Luis Lanfranco, That Play, 3/24/14
 - Freddie Langiotti, Scoring Started, 6/4/17
 - Steve Lankard, His Personality, 5/30/11
 - Ray Lankford, Some Kind, 9/27/12
 - Marty Lanoux, Big Runs, 5/9/14
 - Mike Lansing used mental approach to see nine ML seasons, 12/11/23
 - Rick Lantrip, That Class, 10/2/15
 - Crucito Lara, Enough Success, 6/6/19
 - Ruben Lardizabal, Three Seasons, 9/22/19
 - Steve Larose, Enough For, 8/20/19
 - Ed Larregui, Running Hard, 7/28/13
 - Mike Larson gave good outing at Boise; Later served as MLB scout, 10/14/23
 - Bill Laskey, Settled Down, 6/26/12
 - Tim Lata, First Win, 5/18/17
 - John Latham, Best Of, 3/4/18
 - Dominic Latkovski, Billy Bird, 9/5/17
 - Bobby Latmore, Sports Career, 4/9/13
 - Greg Latta was trainer, part of team, 6/2/24
 - Dave Latter, Those Pitches, 4/4/15
 - Charley Lau Jr. followed his father into coaching hitters, became 'hitting guru' in own right, 4/19/21 
 - Frank Laureano, Singular Goal, 3/11/13
 - Frank Laviano, Emotional Ties, 3/30/19
 - Joe Law, Good Enough, 11/14/10
 - Scott Lawrenson, Saved A Life, 10/25/11
 - Jim Lawson, Baseball Mechanics, 2/18/14
 - Marcus Lawton, Hard Baseball, 3/19/11
 - Jeff Lazor, Next Comparison, 8/6/17
 - Chris Leach got out of college slump with cycle; Saw three pro seasons, made high-A, 3/15/23
 - Jalal Leach, Passion For, 8/31/15
 - Rob Leary, Player Assessment, 12/8/13
 - Richie LeBlanc, Groundball Pitcher, 3/9/13
 - Al LeBoeuf has helped hitters in minors for three decades, after own minors playing career, 10/14/21
 - Jose Lebron, Quality Start, 7/3/14
 - Ricky Ledee, Be Aggressive, 3/31/19
 - Carlos Ledezma made majors elsewhere, 11/8/19
 - Derek Lee, Going Up North, 6/3/10
 - Terry Lee, So Successful, 8/13/17
 - Wiley Lee, Competitive Nature, 10/1/17
 - Joe Lefebvre played ball, coached it, 7/13/13
 - Phil Leftwich, Good Shape, 5/15/16
 - Greg Legg, Take Advantage, 8/5/13
 - Mike Lehman hoped slot would open at AAA, made it, but briefly; Saw six seasons, missed bigs, 1/31/23
 - Brent Leiby, Entailed More, 7/15/17
 - Eric Leimeister wasn't sure he'd have a pro career after final college starts; Made pros, saw two seasons, 5/7/20
 - Chris Lein, That Insight, 3/12/18
 - Pat Leinen, Too Many, 2/1/16
 - Tim Leiper, Long Wait, 7/25/12
 - John Leister, Childhood Dream, 2/15/11
 - Mark Leiter, Got There, 8/26/11
 - Scott Leius, On Base, 6/29/12
 - Jim LeMasters started, relieved over 6 pro seasons, made AAA, 6/4/10
 - Jim Lemon knew hitting intangibles, 6/30/24
 - Pat Lennon, Raised Him, 11/4/14
 - Johnny Leon, Cut Down, 4/1/19
 - Mike Leon, Trainer's Ring, 12/28/15
 - Mark Leonard, Good Feeling, 2/10/12
 - John Lepley, College Horse, 2/14/19
 - Curt Leskanic had short memory over 11 ML seasons; Took pivotal '04 Red Sox ALCS win, 8/15/22
 - Jimmy Lester, Mold Them, 8/30/14
 - Jim Lett, Well-Kept, 2/5/14
 - Shane Letterio, Felt Confident, 5/28/12
 - Tom LeVasseur, Came to Play, 5/29/11
 - Danny Lewis got chance in 17 seasons, 4/30/24
 - Darren Lewis, His Style, 12/15/16
 - Jim Lewis, Relief Pitcher, 1/6/12
 - Joe Lewis, Cut Down, 5/25/14
 - Mark Lewis, Hot Start, 6/10/12
 - Mica Lewis worked on consistency, saw six seasons, AA, 3/25/24
 - Richie Lewis, Most Of, 7/2/16
 - Scott Lewis, Lucky Man, 4/20/11
 - Tony Lewis returned to college, then got hurt, vowed comeback; Made pros over four seasons, hit single-A, 7/3/14
  - T.R. Lewis, Winning Hit, 8/12/12
 - Jim Leyritz, Second Chances, 3/25/11
 - Dave Liddell, Well Above, 2/13/12
 - Steve Liddle, On Talent, 10/7/14
 - Al Liebert, Big Play, 4/27/14
 - Mike Lieberthal, His Mark, 2/21/15
 - Steve Lienhard, Showed Confidence, 4/17/16
 - Kelly Lifgren, Top Team, 10/12/15
 - Jose Lima, His Time, 9/25/16
 - Chris Limbach, Best Pitch, 12/22/12
 - Darrell Lindsey knew it was on him to pitch his best; Saw five pro seasons, made AA, 9/25/21
 - Doug Lindsey, No Joke, 8/22/11
 - Mike Linskey, Really Exciting, 4/8/13
 - Doug Linton, Ready to Pitch, 9/3/10
 - Johnny Lipon felt good and enjoyed the game over five decades as player, then manager, 8/29/21
 - Marc Lipson played in college, pros, 10/5/14
 - Felipe Lira, Good Game, 10/15/16
 - Pat Listach, How Fortunate, 12/12/15
 - Mark Littell, Not Nervous, 8/31/14
 - Bryan Little, His Determination, 7/6/14
 - Jeff Livesey won HS praise, saw minors, coached in majors, 3/29/21 
 - Scott Livingstone, Would Hit, 1/27/12
 - Bobby Llanos, Hot-Hitting, 7/9/17
 - Mike Lloyd, Tone Set, 10/5/14
 - John Locker played the game over two seasons; Saw Elmira over both, 7/20/21
 - Ron Lockett, Didn't Stop, 11/1/15
 - Keith Lockhart, Kept Progressing, 4/13/10
 - Rich Lodding took effort to 4 seasons, 10/15/17
 - Kenny Lofton helped teams many ways over 17 majors seasons, 2/22/24
 - Rodney Lofton, Bunt The Ball, 7/26/10
 - Joe Logan, Mirrors That, 12/7/13
 - Todd Logan, Tough Kid, 2/20/13
 - Mike Loggins handled wall in college, saw 7 pro seasons, AAA, 5/25/11
 - Adin Lohry, Easy Choice, 10/9/15
 - Chris Lombardozzi, What Happens, 3/6/15
 - Kevin Long missed bigs as player, has seen four WS as coach, 12/30/23
 - Rich Long, Good Fastball, 4/15/17
 - Steve Long did alright at Sumter in 1991; Played seven seasons, didn't see bigs, 10/14/19
 - Tony Long, Went After, 9/3/18
 - Greg Lonigro, Future Expansion, 8/5/17
 - Fred Lopez, Backup Catcher, 11/25/14
 - Javy Lopez, Happiest Man, 1/15/14
 - Steve Loubier got his foot in the pro door; Stayed five seasons, made AA, 10/28/20
 - Stewart Lovdal, Picked Up, 6/25/13
 - Sylvester Love, Went Fast, 12/3/15
 - Will Love, Early End, 2/20/14
 - Vance Lovelace, No Quitter, 4/30/12
 - Q.V. Lowe still loved the game after nearly 50 years in it; Coached in college, minors and bigs, 12/12/19
 - Dwight Lowry, Showed Something, 5/19/12
 - Mike Loynd, Showing Confidence, 1/16/11
 - Rob Lukachyk returned from getting cut to make bigs in 10th pro season; Saw two ML games, 12/17/21
 - Mike Lumley, Hometown Player, 3/14/11
 - Ed Lund missed out on AA, but he wanted to keep playing; Saw four seasons, topped out at high-A, 5/15/20
 - Rick Lundblade, Rare Opportunity, 5/29/13
 - Jason Lundgren, Bat Boys, 1/14/18
-Go to Top

 - Jason Maas got big single-A hit; Made AAA in seven seasons, 12/26/10
 - Kevin Maas, High Expectations, 1/30/11
 - Mark MacArthur, Team Trailblazer, 2/12/17
 - Bob MacDonald, Needed Confidence, 3/27/13
 - Dave Machemer worked to develop players, and loved doing it, 4/7/11
 - Quinn Mack, Missed Catch, 6/12/10
 - Ray Mack, Over With, 6/28/15
 - Pete Mackanin, Good Way, 11/2/11
 - Kevin Macleod, Gem Thrown, 12/21/16
 - Lonnie Maclin, Got On, 8/27/17
 - Lance Madsen tried to relax, concentrate, saw 6 seasons, AAA, 2/11/24
 - Takashi Maema, Got There, 12/27/13
 - Bobby Magallanes played, then managed, 11/19/14
 - Ever Magallanes, Highest Level, 3/2/11
 - Will Magallanes, From Injury, 5/30/13
 - Warren Magee, Winter Roster, 9/26/14
 - Jim Magill improved, saw 5 seasons, 10/18/17
 - Brett Magnusson saw 7 seasons, coached, 9/25/20
 - Tom Magrann, Catching Opportunities, 8/21/11
 - Phil Maldonado looked fastball at Durham; Saw five seasons, twice briefly made AAA, 5/11/23
 - Mike Malley, No-Hitter, 1/19/14
 - Jim Mallon worked as a college coach to improve his players on and off the field; Briefly managed in minors, 3/17/20
 - Bob Malloy, Didn't Matter, 4/5/14
 - Chuck Malone, Benefit of the Doubt, 11/8/10
 - Todd Malone, Pitching Award, 3/1/12
 - Chris Maloney, Maturing Process, 2/23/17
 - Rich Maloney, Coaching Career, 4/22/15
 - Austin Manahan, Struggled A Bit, 2/24/11
 - Tony Manahan, Showed Confidence, 11/8/18
 - Sam Mandia, Better Himself, 9/14/13
 - Bryan Manicchia, Got Noticed, 7/29/17
 - Kelly Mann, Defensive Catcher, 4/25/15
 - Thomas Mann, Two Hopes, 7/23/13
 - Barry Manuel came from humble beginnings to make majors over five seasons, 7/13/22
 - Jerry Manuel, Put Value, 4/11/14
 - Kirt Manwaring, Next Chance, 5/4/11
 - Josias Manzanillo, His Stuff, 1/4/14
 - Ravelo Manzanillo, Four Pitches, 7/12/11
 - John Marchese proved versatile in college; Saw three pro seasons as reliever, made single-A, 9/8/22
 - Chris Marchok, Chance To Chase, 1/7/11
 - Dave Marcon, Good Stretch, 8/14/13
 - John Marett saw 3 seasons, single-A, 2/24/16
 - Greg Margheim, Purely Personal, 5/15/13
 - Juan Marina showed promise in rookie ball, played five pro seasons; Made single-A, 12/9/21
 - Mark Marino, All Star Sports, 12/28/16
 - Joe Markulike, Busy Day, 11/13/16
 - Edgar Marquez, Returned To, 8/14/13
 - Edwin Marquez, Visa Problems, 7/23/10
 - Ihosvany Marquez played, went to prison for Medicaid fraud, 11/20/24
 - Isidro Marquez, Well-Pitched, 11/13/18
 - Oreste Marrero, Father's Day, 6/29/17
 - Vilato Marrero, Defining Job, 7/2/17
 - Quinn Marsh helped stop Salt Lake streak, saw 5 seasons, 11/19/13
 - Tom Marsh, Goose Bumps, 12/19/12
 - Randy Marshall, Key Hit, 5/22/14
 - Randy Marshall, Every Time, 3/19/16
 - Todd Martin flat out hit in high school, enough for third round; Pro career lasted two seasons, 3/31/21
 - Tom Martin, His Way, 1/24/16
 - Chito Martinez tried to keep good focus, saw 3 ML seasons, 9/20/10
 - David Martinez, Second Game, 5/2/15
 - Domingo Martinez, These Days, 3/16/13
 - Edgar Martinez, Greatest DH, 10/8/10
 - Fili Martinez finished a college shutout; Later hoped to finish by making bigs, never made it, 3/1/20
 - John Martinez, A Second, 3/10/15
 - Julian Martinez, Old Friend, 1/29/11
 - Luis Martinez, Took Advantage, 5/29/17
 - Luis Martinez, Quick Learner, 11/7/18
 - Manny Martinez, Wasn't Nervous, 3/22/14
 - Martin Martinez shut door in big college win, saw 3 seasons, 12/11/13
 - Nicio Martinez, Too Little, 6/27/15
 - Pablo Martinez, First Hit, 7/31/14
 - Pedro Martinez showed 'unlimited potential' in rookie ball; He then made Hall of Fame, 5/23/20
 - Ray Martinez played 23 years, coached, 9/25/22
 - Reynaldo Martinez, Big Jump, 3/20/15
 - Tino Martinez, Quality Player, 10/9/10
 - William Martinez, Held Them, 12/25/13
 - Tim Marting, Highest Point, 4/18/18
 - Bill Marx, Good Command, 11/1/15
 - Jose Marzan, Good Sign, 11/11/13
 - John Marzano, Watch Him Hit, 7/22/10
 - Dickey Marze, Pegged As, 1/16/14
 - Marty Mason, Strike One, 2/27/19
 - Paul Matachun played multiple positions over three seasons, made single-A, 8/23/20
 - Jose Mateo, Bad Night, 7/19/14
 - Eddie Mathews, Next Season, 5/26/16
 - Greg Mathews, Unexpected Start, 9/9/17
 - Terry Mathews, Real Big, 1/2/16
 - Mike Mathile's potential didn't pan out with trip to bigs, 10/3/19
 - Mike Mathiot, Game Winner, 10/4/14
 - Wayne Mathis, Chance Scout, 3/19/17
 - Malvin Matos felt good at independent Alexandria; Played 14 pro seasons, never made bigs, 7/30/20
 - Tom Matthews, Tough Competitor, 6/1/19
 - Frank Mattox played seven seasons, made AAA, worked as scout, 2/14/12
 - Danny Matznick, About Him, 4/25/17
 - Rob Maurer, First Season, 11/22/11
 - Ron Maurer kept swinging to college hit mark; Saw decade in pros, including Taiwan, but not bigs, 6/6/20
 - Michael Mauro, Most Rewarding, 7/22/18
 - Tim Mauser, Best Outing, 1/17/11
 - John Maxwell, Prepared For, 1/31/16
 - Derrick May, Swinging The Bat, 12/15/10
 - Lee May Jr. worked to make hitters better after own eight-season pro career; Made AAA, 11/13/21
 - Scott May, Chance Meeting, 1/15/19
 - Greg Mayberry, Game Ended, 1/22/12
 - Todd Mayo knew in baseball the outcome is never certain; Saw four pro seasons, made AA, 1/26/21
 - Matt Maysey, Two Firsts, 4/18/12
 - Leo Mazzone, Famed Rock, 5/10/10
 - Mike McAlpin, Algebra Teacher, 8/15/13
 - Jamie McAndrew got accepted in bigs, 9/21/20
 - Dave McAuliffe, Give Credit, 12/9/12
 - Loy McBride saw the ball well at high-A; Played four pro seasons, made AA, 12/10/21
 - Randy McCament, All the Confidence, 6/6/11
 - Brian McCann, Trainer's Goal, 4/15/10
 - Joe McCann, Broke Out, 7/7/18
 - Greg McCarthy got his confidence up, then made the majors; Later went to Europe, 10/25/21
 - Steve McCarthy, Tenth Save, 11/29/12
 - Paul McClellan, Streak Extended, 10/24/11
 - Tim McClinton played 2 sports in high school, saw 5 seasons, 6/9/18
 - Walt McConnell, Bounce Back, 8/1/10
 - Brian McCormack, In It, 3/1/13
 - Don McCormack, Grabbed Him, 9/29/14
 - Glenn McCormick, Early Success, 1/3/18
 - John McCormick saw four pro seasons, made high-A with Royals, 12/29/23
 - Brent McCoy, Game MVP, 1/26/14
 - Tim McCoy, Been Strong, 3/1/14
 - Trey McCoy returned from early retirement to see nine pro seasons; Made AAA, 6/12/22
 - Eric McCray, Trade Talk, 3/5/11
 - Justin McCray, His Recommendation, 9/22/13
 - Rodney McCray, Baseball Immortality, 5/31/13
 - Todd McCray, Settled Down, 5/2/16
 - Bob McCreary, Toughest Adjustment, 2/19/13
 - Deron McCue, Six Innings, 1/28/13
 - Shelby McDonald impressed in college; Saw three pro seasons, made AA, 10/21/21
 - Julius McDougal, Dazzlingly Paisley, 5/21/10
 - Mike McDowell, More Fun, 9/18/13
 - Tim McDowell, Another Profession, 3/25/18
 - Shawn McElfish, 'A' Game, 3/5/15
 - Jason McFarlin, Speedy Scout, 12/4/10
 - Andy McGaffigan could start or relive, saw 11 majors seasons, 10/2/12
 - Jeremy McGarity played decade as pro, then became pastor, 9/19/24
 - Tony McGee, Off Guard, 10/11/15
 - Kevin McGehee, Much Adrenalin, 1/10/13
 - Russ McGinnis, Up to Him, 11/30/10
 - Steve McGovern, Pitching Strength, 6/15/13
 - Chuck McGrath made AAA with Cardinals, saw 7 seasons overall, 12/27/10
 - Tom McGraw made the Cardinals, couldn't stop grinning, 4/1/24
 - Terry McGriff, Draft Hopes, 4/16/10
 - Bill McGuire, Few At Bats, 8/19/11
 - Steve McInerney, Athletic Director, 6/4/11
 - Tim McIntosh played game he loved, made bigs over 71 games, 5/9/12
 - Ron McKay has served as a coach in high school, college and pros, also as instructor, 4/20/21
 - Butch McKeon, Competitive Fire, 7/6/14
 - Joel McKeon, Working Forkball, 5/24/13
 - Kasey McKeon, Taught Him, 3/22/16
 - Keith McKoy hit, used his speed enough to see three pro seasons; Made single-A, 10/11/22
 - John McLarnan, Any Other, 9/28/14
 - Brian McLeod, Back In, 1/8/13
 - Greg McMichael, Worked Out - 12/28/11
 - Stu McMillan, Big Plays, 12/12/16
 - Jeff McNeely played eight pro seasons, made bigs for 21 games, then went into education, 7/5/21
 - Marlin McPhail, Utility Man, 1/28/11
 - Brian McRae, Relaxed and Confident, 3/30/11
 - Rick McWane, Concussion Rules, 3/30/16
 - Tim McWilliam knew the importance of scouts in college, later became one himself; Briefly made AAA, 11/16/20
 - Timber Mead, Big League Name, 1/3/11
 - Bobby Meacham worked on consistency over six majors seasons, 3/12/11
 - Rusty Meacham, Not Afraid, 10/7/13
 - Louie Meadows, Into Place, 10/5/12
 - Scott Meadows, Got Comfortable, 6/9/11
 - Media Arts Group brought together four companies; In 1990, the group sponsored a baseball card set, 2/22/22
 - Facaner Medina, Spelled Right, 2/2/15
 - Luis Medina, Really Fun, 1/21/12
 - Patricio Medina, Very Quick, 2/4/15
 - Ricardo Medina, Right Pitch, 4/21/13
 - Scott Medvin showed bulldog, made ML 3/9/11
 - Tim Meeks, Fine Pitching, 4/29/18
 - Kevin Meier, Good Years, 4/15/16
 - Scott Meissner, Medical Field, 7/4/17
 - Cesar Mejia, Wasn't Nervous, 6/2/11
 - Leandro Mejia, Leader Board, 3/28/15
 - Francisco Melendez, Biggest Thing, 4/19/14
 - Jose Melendez, So Versatile, 6/27/10
 - Luis Melendez, Knew What, 2/24/17
 - Steve Melendez worked to get to know his players as a minor league trainer, 1/31/20
 - Mark Meleski, Season Openers, 6/23/11
 - Juan Mercedes had strong Bluefield outing, saw 3 seasons, 11/26/24
 - Luis Mercedes, Tough Situation, 4/5/13
 - Mark Merchant, Pretty Calm, 3/7/12
 - Kent Mercker, New Lease, 9/11/11
 - Steve Meredith screamed when he signed, saw 3 seasons, 4/12/24
 - Domingo Merejo, Among Them, 4/1/18
 - Luis Merejo, Hard Tag, 9/24/17
 - Frank Merigliano used his ability to see six pro seasons, later as youth instructor, 12/16/21
 - Doug Merrifield, Great Career, 2/20/16
 - Carl "Stump" Merrill, Help for Hitters, 4/12/10
 - Brett Merriman, That Control, 5/24/15
 - Matt Merullo, Own Path, 7/13/10
 - Audy Mesa, His Tools, 1/12/18
 - Baltazar Mesa played, went to prison, 9/18/20
 - Jose Mesa, His Job, 5/27/13
 - Mike Messerly, Hit Baseballs, 2/19/14
 - Hensley Meulens, Physical Ability, 10/8/12
 - Basil Meyer, Turning Points, 7/24/12
 - Brian Meyer, Hanging Slider, 11/17/11
 - Rick Meyer, Different Call, 2/12/15
 - Russ Meyer proved solid player, coach, 7/6/13
 - Don Meyers moved from infielder to catching; Saw three pro seasons, made high-A, 5/22/20
 - Mike Milchin worked to make most of chances in bigs, the others' chances as agent, 7/18/22
 - Jeff Milene, Remained Upbeat, 10/11/14
 - Dave Miley, Worked Out, 12/1/12
 - Sam Militello, Good Start, 9/8/15
 - Bernie Millan, Stretch Run, 3/11/17
 - Jose Millares strived for majors over 7 seasons, made AA, 11/21/24
 - Gar Millay, Good Ballplayer, 1/13/12
 - Damian Miller made bigs for decade, 6/16/24
 - Darrell Miller, Doing His Job, 4/30/10
 - Dave Miller, Sinker Guy, 5/25/13
 - David Miller, Complete Game, 12/16/11
 - Keith Miller, Big Hit, 6/16/12
 - Kevin Miller, Greatest Joy, 9/17/16
 - Kurt Miller started with pressure of first-round pick; Saw time in five ML seasons, Japan, 3/20/20
 - Mike Miller, Possible Promotion, 9/18/19
 - Orlando Miller, That Far, 11/13/11
 - Pat Miller followed his father to the pros, not to the majors; Played five seasons, made AA, 7/23/20
 - Paul Miller, Late Pick, 3/21/18
 - Rhonda Miller helped welcome back an injured bat boy in 1992; Served as account executive, in promotions, 4/4/22
 - Rich Miller, Ins and Outs, 3/28/11
 - Roger Miller, Very Excited, 1/19/15
 - Russ Miller, Hurt Him, 1/14/18
 - Scott A. Miller, Matured Some, 10/30/13
 - S. Scott Miller, Was Special, 10/30/13
 - Wallace Minnifield got the chance to turn pro in summer ball; Saw three pro seasons, 6/12/21
 - Blas Minor, Around Awhile, 3/21/12
 - Steve Mintz, The Job, 11/25/17
 - Gino Minutelli, Found It, 3/12/16
 - Tommy Mitchell saw six pro seasons, never wanted to leave game, 10/4/23
 - Mike Mitchener, Uncharted Waters, 4/4/17
 - John Mizerock helped Astros to 1985 win, 9/1/11
 - Hideki Mizusawa, Did Play, 12/17/13
 - Kevin Mmahat, Much Fun, 5/12/12
 - Dennis Moeller made majors with Royals in seventh season, 12/22/24
 - Eric Moen, His Future, 11/23/17
 - Dale Mohorcic, Quietly Done, 5/14/12
 - Mike Mohler, Big Thing, 3/30/15
 - Bobby Molinaro, Top of the Game, 9/5/10
 - Frank Monastero, Bigger Thrill, 3/14/15
 - Bill Monbouquette, Pitching Teacher, 1/16/18
 - Raul Mondesi had everything, won NL Rookie of the Year, played 13 ML seasons then went to prison for corruption, 6/5/20
 - Miguel Monegro helped seal team's comeback at Elmira; Saw four pro seasons, made high-A, 2/18/23
 - Sid Monge, Do Best, 11/29/13
 - Mike Mongiello, Like This, 4/2/17
 - Mario Monico set Hawaii college records, saw 6 seasons, 12/30/10
 - Steve Monson, Tough Mentality, 1/20/19
 - Rafael Montalvo, Brief Chance, 11/16/11
 - Rob Montalvo, That Advice, 9/15/13
 - Rich Monteleone, Building Confidence, 12/11/10
 - Cesar Montero, Admired Most, 7/28/13
 - Dan Montes made it over 2 seasons, started with Giants, 12/27/24
 - Mike Montgomery, Work Horse, 6/29/13
 - Ray Montgomery, Paid Off, 1/4/16
 - Charlie Montoyo, First Impression, 1/24/19
 - Boo Moore went from high HS rating to pros, saw 8 seasons, 5/4/22
 - Brad Moore, Worked Out, 7/24/13
 - Daryl Moore, Good Years, 2/18/16
 - Kerwin Moore made bigs for 22 games, 6/13/11
 - Marcus Moore played a decade, made bigs in three seasons; Third came after serious allegations, 9/18/22
 - Robert Moore, Best Arm, 2/3/11
 - Tim Moore, Shot Given, 7/25/13
 - Tony Moore, His Experiences, 3/10/17
 - Rich Morales, Full Potential, 12/25/14
 - Rich Morales played, coached, scouted, 4/23/24
 - Mickey Morandini, Reckless Abandon, 10/11/10
 - Carlos Mota took pride in his defense over 12 pro seasons; Made AAA, saw independent ball, 12/12/20
 - Domingo Mota, Worked Hard, 5/16/19
 - Gary Mota, Some Things, 1/11/16
 - Jose Mota, Special Day, 7/26/11
 - Willie Mota, Big Day, 10/19/14
 - Darryl Motley, Biggest Game, 8/26/10
 - Jeff Motuzas, Expanded Role, 4/5/19
 - Jose Munoz made majors for 17 games, 9/19/20
 - Julio Munoz, Short Line, 9/19/13
 - Keith Murray lost nearly his entire first season to injury, played in just one more, 8/28/20
 - Matt Murray, Just Incredible, 1/20/14
 - Steve Murray, Big Difference, 11/10/14
 - Scott Muscat, That Mode, 6/13/17
 - Darren Musselwhite, Another Field, 2/28/16
 - Mike Mussina chose college, then became great, made Hall, 5/31/22
 - Jeff Mutis, Another Shot, 11/6/11
 - Chris Myers, Same Thing, 2/23/12
 - Eric Myers, Molder of People, 3/23/14
 - Jimmy Myers, No Doubts, 2/9/13
 - Mike Myers, Left-Handed Specialist, 1/6/13
 - Tim Naehring, Harsh Game, 12/7/10
 - Charles Nagy, Burning Desire, 5/17/12
 - Gary Nalls started slow in 2nd season, saw 6 total, made AA, 12/6/20
 - Jerry Narron, Stayed Connected, 5/21/13
 - Bob Natal, Didn't Disrupt, 4/15/14
 - Jeff Nate, Higher Level, 6/14/17
 - Lipso Nava learned in 17 pro seasons, 11/11/17
 - Tito Navarro, Good Time, 4/30/17
 - Ed Naveda, Playing Hard, 9/14/10
 - Denny Neagle, Already Familiar, 6/11/10
 - Dave Neal pitched well in single-A loss; Saw four seasons then had elbow surgery, 9/7/22
 - Tim Nedin, That Pitch, 10/8/14
 - Troy Neel, Another Name, 12/29/10
 - Skip Nelloms got discouraged at beginning, played three seasons, made high-A, 2/5/21
 - Brian Nelson played with future Royals GM in college; Later played three seasons in pros, 4/24/20
 - Doug Nelson, Young Pitcher, 3/11/13
 - Jamie Nelson, Injuries and Expectations, 4/25/11
 - Jeff Nelson, Good One, 12/17/14
 - Jerome Nelson, His Part, 7/31/17
 - Mike Nelson worked hard to run his own club, 11/4/19
 - Rick Nelson, Bases Cleared, 3/31/16
 - Rod Nettnin got drafted by Miami Miracle, then got hurt, 12/15/24
 - Mike Newby, College Transfer, 2/19/17
 - Tom Newell turned pitcher, made bigs, 10/17/15v
 - Craig Newkirk, Quiet Style, 6/1/14
 - Tim Newlin, Door Slammed, 11/6/14
 - Alan Newman, The Stuff, 10/3/14
 - Jeff Newman, Big Hits, 12/28/16
 - Tom Newman, Mental Lock, 5/14/16
 - Matt Newsom served as minors GM and in racing, also donned a chicken suit, 1/28/20
 - Warren Newson, Still In, 12/7/11
 - Steve Newton had success as starter, saw six pro seasons, 11/7/21
 - Andy Nezelek, Fall Back, 9/10/11
 - Brian Nichols, Tied Up, 11/22/12
 - Carl Nichols, High Pressure, 7/30/11
 - Chet Nichols, Biggest Thrill, 1/24/16
 - Rob Nichols saw single pro season, 10/22/17
 - Scott Nichols, Scouting Rasmus, 8/4/10
 - Ty Nichols, Added Up, 4/4/13
 - Tom Niedenfuer, Looking Back, 8/27/17
 - Darren Niethammer showed he could work with Rangers over six seasons; Made AA, 6/14/22
 - Tom Nieto, Great Day, 8/15/13
 - Ernie Nieves, Started Strong, 5/6/13
 - Melvin Nieves, Stuck With It, 11/26/14
 - Dave Nilsson, Did That, 11/19/15
 - Robin Nina took a no-hitter late to open 1989; Saw four pro seasons, made high-A, 3/6/22
 - Robo Niner, Baseball Head, 11/16/14
 - Toby Nivens, Biggest Thing, 8/21/19
 - Donell Nixon, Ran Into, 10/25/12
 - Jason Nixon set records, turned pro, 4/11/13
 - Doug Noce, College Success, 12/30/13
 - Paul Noce, Hard Work, 4/28/10
 - J.D. Noland, Fast Enough, 4/27/12
 - Dickie Noles, Wasn't Awed, 8/25/12
 - Eric Nolte, Real Thrill, 7/22/12
 - Jay North followed his career from pitching to coaching and then to scouting, 7/22/22
 - Randy Nosek, Needed Confidence, 2/13/11
 - Ed Nottle, Lifetime Busher, 12/22/10
 - Rafael Novoa, Same Fastball, 2/4/11
 - Rick Nowak, Never Seen, 10/29/13
 - Barney Nugent, Caring Guy, 7/14/12
 - Tom Nuneviller, Positive Attitude, 6/17/13
 - Alex Nunez, Too Few, 10/24/14
 - Bernie Nunez, Make Contact, 6/18/12
 - Mauricio Nunez, Playing Ball, 6/21/11
 - Shawn O'Connell threw hard in high school, saw 4 seasons, 10/21/24
 - Ben O'Connor, Strike Zone, 12/10/17
 - Kevin O'Connor, Multiple Decisions, 12/2/16
 - Rouglas Odor played eight pro seasons, made AA; Later developed players as minors coach, manager, 8/24/22
 - Jose Offerman, With His Bat, 10/22/11
 - Ron Oglesby, Big-Leaguer, 7/1/14
 - Mike Ogliaruso, Another Choice, 10/26/13
 - Greg O'Halloran, Second Sport, 12/7/17
 - Bob Olah made mistakes, but learned from them; Saw five pro seasons, made high-A, 11/19/21
 - Jim Olander waited decade, then major league dream came true, 12/14/10
 - Troy O'Leary, Good Night, 6/19/17
 - Jose Oliva, Show People, 5/20/14
 - Jose Olivares, Only Run, 10/25/13
 - Omar Olivares, Not His Style, 1/21/11
 - Jeff Oller started out with high hopes; Saw six seasons, briefly made AA, 6/9/22
 - Jose Olmeda, Those Guys, 11/24/14
 - Reed Olmstead, Extra Innings, 10/11/11
 - Kurt Olson, Rejuvenated Team, 12/13/17
 - Ed Olwine, New Pitcher, 2/18/12
 - Kelley O'Neal signed as a pro out of high school, performed over six seasons, made AA, 4/24/20
 - Mark O'Neal, Service Provided, 6/20/15
 - Dan Opperman, Hard Part, 12/23/18
 - Jeff Ordway won MVP in high school, played single pro season, 10/20/22
 - Jim O'Reilly gained experience as a trainer in college and the NFL, 11/23/19
 - Tom O'Reilly served as Jamestown GM for two league titles, 12/26/19
 - Richard Orman, Another League, 1/15/17
 - Geoff Orr, Home Run, 12/12/16
 - Jim Orsag, Best Swing, 7/17/16
 - Eduardo Ortega, Good Month, 12/10/12
 - Hector Ortega, Knows What, 12/18/13
 - Ronnie Ortegon had brief pro career, then turned to coaching and instruction, wrote hitting book, 9/11/22
 - Hector Ortiz, Every Opportunity, 12/3/17
 - Javier Ortiz, Some Confidence, 3/4/11
 - Joe Ortiz, Tough Road, 3/4/14
 - Ramon Ortiz, Rookie Ball, 3/14/15
 - Ray Ortiz, Winning Teams, 7/10/11
 - Donovan Osborne, Know How, 2/11/17
 - Jeff Osborne, Do Both, 4/20/12
 - Glenn Osinski, Fifth Inning, 11/27/15
 - Claude Osteen, So Many Scenarios, 7/30/10
 - Dave Osteen, Experience and Knowledge, 4/26/11
 - Gavin Osteen, Did His Job, 7/19/10
 - Lance Painter learned enough to pitch in the majors over a decade, later coach, 10/24/22
 - Louis Pakele, Threw Strikes, 5/22/16
 - Vicente Palacios saw 8 ML seasons, 9/8/11
 - Dean Palmer, More Relaxed, 5/14/14
 - Vince Palyan, Home Runs, 1/27/15
 - Jim Pankovits, This Is Fun, 7/14/10
 - Erik Pappas, Unlikely Olympian, 4/8/10
 - Craig Paquette, First Time, 4/1/12
 - Larry Pardo, Fiercely Proud, 11/16/10
 - Clay Parker impressed Yankees in trade, 11/25/20
 - Jarrod Parker played, became minister, 5/7/18
 - Richard Parker made 3 pro seasons, high-A, 5/24/15
 - Rick Parker, Total Time, 6/18/14
 - Steve Parker, Mental Aspect, 9/12/10
 - Tim Parker, That Chance, 4/26/13
 - Eric Parkinson, Up-and-Coming, 6/30/10
 - Derek Parks, Slow to Develop, 9/25/10
 - Mark Parnell impressed at tryout, played four pro seasons, 12/20/23
 - Jose Parra, Long Time, 5/10/19
 - Steve Parris, Tougher Things, 6/16/13
 - Bob Parry, Any Time, 3/2/14
 - Casey Parsons, Situational Hitting, 3/21/15
 - Dave Partrick saw six seasons, played in field and on mound, 5/3/15
 - Jorge Pascual, In Time, 2/9/15
 - Jack Patton won executive of year honors in Cal League in 1989; Saw Reno, Riverside, Bakersfield, 12/19/20
 - Corey Paul, Tried Again, 11/23/13
 - Elvin Paulino hit well at Winston-Salem; Played six seasons, made AAA, 1/13/20
 - Dave Pavlas, That Feeling, 9/23/12
 - Roger Pavlik, Threw Strikes, 3/16/19
 - John Pawlowski, Keep Working, 9/7/10
 - Ray Payton built courage in instructional ball; Saw four pro seasons, made high-A, 1/21/22
 - Jeff Pearce became pitcher in 6 seasons, 11/6/22
 - Kevin Pearson made AAA in 6 seasons, 4/16/12
 - Steve Peck made AAA as player, coached, 4/2/15
 - Bill Pecota became majors utility man, 2/17/12
 - Don Pedersen took options to 2 seasons, 3/21/16
 - Stu Pederson, Walk-Off Win, 5/29/10
 - Jorge Pedre, Pretty Consistent, 3/13/13
 - Al Pedrique, Promised Himself, 8/5/11
 - Tim Peek, World Series, 6/1/16
 - Jack Peel went undrafted, then had good summer game and signed; Saw five seasons, made high-A, 6/13/22
 - Jose Peguero returned to baseball, then played decade total, missed bigs, 11/21/13
 - Julio Peguero, Waiver Rules, 6/21/10
 - Steve Pegues, Raw Talent, 7/15/10
 - Dan Peltier, Goals Achieved, 9/6/10
 - Kurt Peltzer, Talked About, 1/15/13
 - Rudy Pemberton looked forward to bigs, saw 3 ML seasons, 3/20/16
 - Geronimo Pena, Youth Movement, 8/14/10
 - Hipolito Pena, All the Same, 9/26/11
 - Jim Pena, The Life, 4/3/16
 - Pedro Pena, Brief Outing, 4/1/15
 - Porfirio Pena, Phillies Signee, 6/28/13
 - Charles Penigar, Early Trade, 4/25/12
 - Shannon Penn made the bigs and got to see the big boys play; Played there himself over nine games, 9/6/20
 - Trevor Penn, Improved Eye, 4/10/14
 - Brad Pennington, Walk Totals, 2/6/16
 - Ken Pennington, Another Prospect, 12/16/10
 - Darwin Pennye, Young Start, 7/15/15
 - Will Pennyfeather, Major Asset, 4/13/13
 - Devin Peppers saw season, tried return, 8/4/24
 - Oswaldo Peraza, First Win, 11/21/15
 - Troy Percival, No Nitpicker, 5/7/16
 - Beban Perez, Three Hits, 5/23/15
 - Cesar Perez, Ninth Inning, 1/13/15
 - David Perez took good with bad over eight pro seasons; Made AAA, missed bigs, 7/8/22
 - Eddie Perez, Clutch Situations, 11/23/14
 - Eulogio Perez, Scored Easily, 12/19/12
 - Francisco Perez, Mistake Inside, 9/23/13
 - Joe Perez drew big comparisons out of high school; Saw five pro seasons, made high-A, 9/23/23
 - Jose Perez, Lead Off, 11/24/17
 - Jose Perez, Lead Off, 5/25/19
 - Julio Perez, Manufactured Run, 7/13/14
 - Junior Perez roomed with Pedro Martinez and Raul Mondesi at Great Falls; His pro career, though, amounted to 41 games, 5/17/20
 - Leo Perez, Good One, 10/31/11
 - Mike Perez, Surprised Return, 12/3/11
 - Ozzie Perez, Started In, 3/5/17
 - Pedro Perez, Ninth Inning, 12/7/17
 - Robert Perez, Good Contact, 9/12/13
 - Victor Perez, An Example, 5/5/13
 - Vladimir Perez followed his brothers to the pros; Played more than a decade, missed bigs, 12/7/21
 - Yorkis Perez, His Part, 3/27/14
 - Tony Perezchica, Good Range, 1/19/12
 - Bobby Perna, Far Apart, 5/11/13
 - Danny Perozo, Winning Run, 2/10/14
 - Robert Person took live, loose arm to time in nine ML seasons with Mets, Blue Jays, Phillies, 8/7/22
 - Pat Pesavento, Beat Them, 3/4/16
 - Jeff Peterek pitched great game in ML debut, saw seven total, 11/5/11
 - Don Peters, Didn't Complain, 3/6/14
 - Doug Peters, Good Control, 7/20/18
 - Reed Peters, Very Difficult, 2/9/12
 - Rex Peters went to college, didn't regret it; Saw three pro seasons, then turned college coach, 3/2/22
 - Rick Peters, Kids' Dream, 1/18/16
 - Steve Peters, One Out, 10/21/12
 - Tim Peters, Pitched Well, 4/15/14
 - Adam Peterson, When He Didn't, 11/2/10
 - Brian Peterson, Not Unlike, 3/12/13
 - Rick Peterson, High Percentage, 7/5/19
 - Rob Peterson played two pro seasons, then returned home to coach basketball and teach, 2/15/20
 - Mark Petkovsek, Showing His Age, 10/12/10
 - Hipolito Pichardo threw gem as rookie, saw decade in bigs, 1/6/24
 - Danny Pickett, More Confidence, 7/26/14
 - Bill Picketts, His Future, 3/21/14
 - Jeff Pico, A Little Stunned, 10/19/10
 - Len Picota, Tight Game, 2/21/19
 - Ed Pimentel proved a leader in college; Saw two pro seasons, made high-A, 3/19/21
 - Wander Pimentel, Extended Lead, 2/25/17
 - Mickey Pina, Studied the Game, 9/5/11
 - Mike Pinckes, Wanted To, 3/12/15
 - Chris Pinder missed bigs himself, but a son has made it, 8/8/22
 - Gabriel Pineda, Stepped In, 10/7/18
 - Myron Pines coached, then scouted, 11/1/17
 - Alton Pinkney, Lead Extended, 6/2/19
 - Rolando Pino, Show Them, 11/19/16
 - Lee Plemel won CWS top player award; Saw five pro seasons, made AA, Rolling Stone, 7/24/22
 - Ron Plemmons, His Rhythm, 4/2/17
 - Scott Plemmons, Bad Outing, 2/1/14
 - David Plumb, Hot Hitter, 4/23/15
 - Dale Plummer, Close Calls, 3/27/11
 - Jeff Plympton, Huge Thrill, 1/8/14
 - Chris Pollack returned from rotator cuff surgery for four more seasons, but had no Hollywood ending in bigs, 1/22/21
 - Damon Pollard, Big Win, 9/10/18
 - Dale Polley, Got There, 10/4/11
 - John Poloni, Nasty Stuff, 3/17/13
 - Mike Pomeranz, Different Perspective, 3/16/18
 - Andy Postema relied on his faith over two pro seasons, 10/22/23
 - Paul Postier, Felt Comfortable, 12/19/15
 - J.P. Postiff, Major Plans, 7/26/13
 - Lonnie Potter, Playoff Win, 1/9/18
 - George Poulis, An Honor, 3/10/16
 - Alonzo Powell, Biggest Job, 11/2/14
 - Dennis Powell got big-league pitcher label, saw 8 ML seasons, 5/22/11
 - Gordon Powell was always taught to run hard; Did so over 10 pro seasons, made high-A, 6/26/20
 - Kenny Powell, One Run, 6/3/14
 - Ross Powell, Good Stuff, 8/15/17
 - Randy Powers, Proved Something, 5/20/16
 - Dan Ramirez played at Memorial Stadium, saw 5 seasons, AA, 10/28/24
 - J.D. Ramirez, Working Summer, 12/6/13
 - Nelson Ramirez, Positive Outlook, 7/29/13
 - Ray Ramirez, Mets Trainer, 12/12/11
 - Bobby Ramos showed heart, passion over decades-long career, 3/9/24
 - John Ramos made majors for 10 games, 7/2/13
 - Jorge Ramos, Live Up, 4/16/17
 - Jose Ramos, Big Positive, 12/13/10
 - Mark Randall's first love was hockey, but he played better baseball; Played in U.S., Canada and Europe, 10/20/21
 - Carl Randle, One Night, 5/20/14
 - Mike Randle, Hit Different, 11/12/13
 - Randy Randle, His Efforts, 1/9/14
 - Pat Rapp, Best Game, 1/21/15
 - Ralph Rashid joined the Peoria Chiefs having already had a full lifetime of experiences, 11/5/19
 - Ronnie Rasp played three pro seasons, then crushed his finger in an off-season accident, 11/9/19
 - Darryl Ratliff, Was There, 7/23/12
 - Chris Rauth, Pitched Aggressively, 2/12/16
 - Johnny Ray, Best Pitch, 1/31/14
 - Toncie Reed showed potential at Osceola, saw 3 pro seasons, 2/10/24
 - Rob Rees, Very Far, 3/7/17
 - Jason Reese, Another Sport, 1/14/17
 - Kyle Reese, Great Combination, 3/15/13
 - Jeff Reeser grew up 50 miles from Peoria, then became Peoria's assistant GM, 11/6/19
 - Gary Regira, Pitched Well, 12/8/13
 - Darrin Reichle, Rare Breed, 5/24/11
 - Derek Reid, Outstanding Catch, 1/19/13
 - John Reilley, Absolute Key, 11/20/13
 - Kevin Reimer, A Lot of Interest, 8/28/10
 - Brian Reimsnyder hit well in college, saw brief career, 10/7/23
 - Jim Reinebold, Disciplinarian Coach, 4/18/17
 - Paul Reinisch, Good Run, 11/6/16
 - Dave Reis, Bailed Out, 1/28/14
 - Paulo Reis hustled, scrapped over four pro seasons, 1/18/14
 - Craig Repoz used his talent over six pro seasons, made AA; Dad and brother also played, 11/4/20
 - Jeff Repoz, Fatherly Advantage, 7/16/17
 - Gary Resetar, Straight Forward, 11/7/13
 - Jerry Reuss played over 22 ML seasons, threw no-hitter, 3/2/25
 - Todd Revenig, Did Claim, 3/18/14
 - Amner Reyes, Let Him, 12/31/17
 - Jose Reyes, Starting Adjustment, 12/27/17
 - Doug Reynolds had enough tools, talent and performance to turn pro, make high-A; Later turned scout, 1/27/23
 - Ronn Reynolds, Helping Pitchers, 3/21/11
 - Shane Reynolds, Frustrated Hitters, 8/8/16
 - Henry Reynoso, Scoring Continued, 7/5/17
 - A.R. Rhea, Getting Back, 9/5/13
 - Chuck Ricci paid his dues over nine seasons, then made bigs for seven games; Later became scout, 1/2/23
 - Lance Rice, Helped Out, 10/20/18
 - Pat Rice, Pitched Until, 4/22/12
 - Dave Richards, More Aggressive, 10/4/13
 - Rusty Richards, Hometown Pitcher, 10/26/10
 - Dave Richardson, Hard-Nosed, 8/31/17
 - Jeff Richardson looked out for family, 1/27/11
 - Keith Richardson, Strong Start, 7/14/14
 - Rodney Richey proved a bulldog on the mound, made high-A; Later turned fighter, in court, 6/19/23
 - Ryan Richmond, First Sport, 4/19/18
 - Troy Ricker, Big Hits, 12/14/13
 - Dave Riddle, One Thing, 11/29/11
 - Dana Ridenour, Comparable To, 12/22/14
 - Ryan Ridenour, Hardest Thing, 6/26/13
 - Mark Riggins, Teaching Pitching, 11/18/10
 - Kevin Riggs, Not Work, 5/14/13
 - Ron Rightnowar, Ever Leave, 10/8/13
 - Tim Rigsby kept up bigs hopes; Saw three seasons, made high-A, 11/27/23
 - Rafael Rijo, Play Ball, 12/15/17
 - Bob Riker, Career Continued, 10/5/16
 - Dave Ring set them up with his curve over three pro seasons; Made short-season Elmira, 7/3/21
 - Keith Ringgold, Unconventional Run, 1/16/13
 - Ray Rippelmeyer, Those Things, 9/23/11
 - Bill Risley, No Butterflies, 12/2/12
 - Gregg Ritchie, Prime Position, 8/15/11
 - Todd Ritchie took long road to bigs, 7/2/24
 - Wally Ritchie, Tough Situations, 12/1/11
 - Darren Ritter, Didn't Relinquish, 1/28/14
 - Alvin Rittman, Gave Back, 6/4/17
 - Kevin Ritz, Strong Kid, 5/8/10
 - Limbert Rivas, Good Outing, 9/18/13
 - Oscar Rivas used guts in college performance; Saw three pro seasons, made high-A, 7/16/23
 - Ben Rivera did best over 3 ML seasons, 4/14/15
 - German Rivera, Funny Game, 11/8/14
 - Hector Rivera, Slowed By Injuries, 12/8/10
 - Hector Rivera (Outfielder), Not His, 12/24/13
 - Jerry Rizza saw three seasons, then turned accountant without regrets; Made short-season, 9/28/23
 - Tom Rizzo, Mental Part, 11/12/16
 - Hector Roa, Just Like, 7/14/15
 - Joe Roa, Meant More, 8/25/15
 - Pedro Roa, Run Scored, 1/8/18
 - Steve Roadcap, Leadership Skills, 8/2/13
 - Doug Robbins, Great Thrill, 5/23/13
 - Kevin Roberson played in four major league seasons; Hit game-winner in 1993 off Lee Smith, 1/5/20
 - Keith Roberts, Extended Lead, 9/10/16
 - Lonell Roberts, Pretty Excited, 1/16/17
 - Mel Roberts, Got There, 12/18/12
 - Pete Roberts, Had Them Guessing, 7/17/11
 - Bill Robertson, Slower Pace, 6/16/17
 - Napoleon Robinson saw 6 seasons, AAA, 10/17/20
 - Scott Robinson, Exhibition Outing, 5/9/13
 - Josman Robles got thrown at in 1990 game, then hit home run; Saw three seasons, made high-A, 4/24/23
 - Scott Robles, Pitching Skills, 10/6/14
 - Mike Rochford, Good Stuff, 6/2/12
 - Marv Rockman, Sidearm Delivery, 12/17/15
 - Paul Rodgers, His Game, 3/28/13
 - Abby Rodriguez had fielding trouble in third pro season, was also last pro season, 10/5/19
 - Ahmed Rodriguez, Hailed From, 2/26/17
 - Rosario Rodriguez, Key Outs, 4/27/15
 - Rich Rodriguez, Confidence Level, 9/4/11
 - Homar Rojas, Man of Baseball, 11/19/18
 - Mel Rojas, Best Thing, 11/1/14
 - Ricky Rojas, Bore Down, 12/27/14
 - Wilberto Rojas, His Start, 9/5/13
 - Steve Rolen, Offensively Carried, 1/31/15
 - David Rolls fit in at short-season Eugene; Played over eight seasons, made AAA, 9/17/18
 - Vince Roman, Big Role, 1/23/16
 - Scott Romano, Hit 'em, 1/13/15
 - Willie Romay, Their Projection, 11/6/17
 - Brian Romero, Felt Better, 5/18/14
 - Mandy Romero, Up There, 4/7/18
 - Ronaldo Romero, Lost Friend, 5/19/14
 - Kernan Ronan, Great Expertise, 5/10/15
 - Marc Ronan, Good Time, 2/16/17
 - Joe Ronca hit a game-tying grand slam in 11th season in pros; Made AA, not bigs, 3/2/20
 - Gil Rondon briefly made bigs, coached, 3/27/17
 - Nelson Rood, Got To Relax, 7/24/10
 - Gene Roof, Good Days, 3/8/16
 - Ed Rosado moved to the pros out of high school; Saw six seasons, made AAA, 10/30/21
 - Eliezel Rosario, Started Off, 9/24/13
 - Francisco Rosario, First Flight, 2/6/15
 - Mel Rosario, Special Instructions, 8/13/17
 - Victor Rosario, Develop the Bat, 8/8/10
 - Greg Roscoe, Pitched Inside, 4/25/14
 - Bobby Rose got injured in Angels crash, became star in Japan, 12/2/10
 - Mark Rose, Excellent Shot, 4/27/19
 - Pete Rose Jr. saw 11 ML games, Dad's career impacted his, 12/29/22
 - Jaime Roseboro, Position Choice, 6/19/19
 - Steve Rosenberg, Mixed Emotions, 3/15/11
 - Wayne Rosenthal, His Staff, 12/29/15
 - Bryan Roskom, Multiple Stops, 2/7/16
 - Jimmy Roso, Down the Line, 8/12/10
 - Dave Ross, Crackling Slider, 6/13/13
 - Gary Ross, In There, 12/17/17
 - Mark Ross saw bigs over 6 seasons, 7/8/11
 - Mike Ross, Everything Asked, 2/22/19
 - Joe Rosselli, Definitely Nervous, 1/13/13
 - Rico Rossy, His Job, 4/8/15
 - Greg Roth, Good Shot, 6/11/13
 - Brian Rountree, Real Calm, 3/19/16
 - Ken Rowe, Lot of Knowledge, 4/10/11
 - Pete Rowe, Fair Shot, 11/24/13
 - Ralph Rowe, Own Eyes, 12/11/14
 - Rich Rowland started logging, then turned to baseball, bigs, 10/7/13
 - Andy Rush tried to improve each game; Saw six seasons, could improve enough for high-A, 5/21/22
 - Eddie Rush, Base-Hit Bunter, 11/27/12
 - Troy Rusk, Fun Ride, 7/11/17
 - Fred Russell hit over 4 pro seasons, 6/19/10
 - John Russell, Big Enough Thrill, 8/9/10
 - Matt Russell, Bat Boys, 1/14/18
 - Todd Russell, Good Stuff, 12/18/17
 - A.J. Sager started in football, then turned to baseball; Made bigs over five seasons, 10/31/20
 - Carlos Salazar, Triple Crown, 3/24/14
 - Luis Salazar, Brief Career, 10/9/16
 - Edwin Salcedo, Playing Time, 3/10/19
 - Roger Salkeld, Through Injury, 7/4/11
 - John Salles played it out and saw six pro seasons; He made AAA, not the bigs, 1/18/20
 - Tim Salmon, Dreaming About, 9/13/11
 - Brian Saltzgaber experienced the great feeling of playing as a pro; Saw five seasons, made AA, 4/1/20
 - Troy Salvior, His Part, 2/28/17
 - Arnie Sambel, His Heart, 8/12/18
 - Ramon Sambo, More Hits, 12/3/10
 - Lee Sammons, Played Ball, 1/11/18
 - Deron Sample, Hot Start, 5/2/18
 - Todd Samples turned to art and the environment after eight seasons in pro baseball, 10/13/19
 - Mike Sampson, Final Out, 12/4/17
 - Fred Samson hit game-winner after bunt sign lifted at single-A; Saw seven pro seasons, made AA, 7/14/22
 - Roger Samuels, Getting an Opportunity, 10/4/10
 - Adrian Sanchez, Became Determined, 7/23/13
 - Alex Sanchez, Release Point, 4/6/11
 - Daniel Sanchez, Two Hits, 1/8/15
 - Osvaldo Sanchez, Kept Going, 4/15/11
 - Pedro Sanchez, Grand Slam, 11/19/11
 - Perry Sanchez, Two and Out, 12/20/13
 - Zoilo Sanchez, Two Homers, 12/23/10
 - Mike Sander, Toughest Part, 5/20/13
 - Al Sanders pitched well in AA debut; Saw five pro seasons, missed AAA, bigs, 5/29/22 
 - Earl Sanders, Desire to Succeed, 3/21/13
 - Reggie Sanders, Already Confident, 6/23/10
 - Shaun Sanderson served in utility role for Salt Lake City; Played two seasons, 10/8/23
 - Memo Sandoval, Top Team, 11/5/15
 - Mike Sandoval, His Goals, 2/18/18
 - Tim Sandy, Lefty Batter, 3/8/17
 - Mo Sanford, Real Tough, 5/27/10
 - Nick Santa Cruz, Sophomore Season, 1/2/13
 - Alexis Santaella, Real Impressed, 4/12/19
 - Ernesto Santana got called up for exhibition; Saw seven pro seasons, never saw AA, 4/2/21
 - Jose Santana, Stolen Bases, 10/3/13
 - Jose Santana, Bunt Single, 5/31/16
 - Miguel Santana, Lead Off, 4/14/14
 - Ruben Santana, Little Things, 10/10/17
 - Cedric Santiago threw junk, but around the plate; Saw three pro seasons, made high-A, 7/11/21
 - Delvy Santiago, Extremely Proud, 4/11/13
 - Rafael Santiago, Four Hits, 8/24/14
 - Ramon Santiago, More Equipment, 10/21/15
 - Santi Santiago, Still Played, 4/13/19
 - Mike Sarbaugh worked hard, saw 6 seasons, made bigs as coach, 3/3/24
 - Shigeki Sasaki, Second Win, 11/25/13
 - James Sass, Probably Not, 11/3/15
 - Hiroyuki Satoh, Stopped Him, 12/21/13
 - Jason Satre, Fresh Start, 8/2/11
 - Cory Satterfield proved reliable starter at single-A; Saw three seasons, made high-A, 7/30/22
 - Jeff Satzinger, Errant Pitch, 1/3/12
 - Jim Saul, Every Opportunity, 1/26/14
 - Mike Sciortino tried pitching in pros, then reverted to hitting; Saw two pro seasons, 5/16/21
 - Charles Scott, Bonds' Roommate, 3/8/10
 - Darryl Scott, Family Tree, 5/28/16
 - Dick Scott, Most Enjoyable, 3/28/12
 - Donnie Scott, Switch-Hitter, 2/23/11
 - Gary Scott made the great achievement, he made the majors; Played with Cubs over two seasons, 1/17/20
 - Kevin Scott, Veteran Type, 9/27/13
 - Rennie Scott learned the screwball from a former major leaguer; Played over three pro seasons, made high-A, 2/24/23
 - Shawn Scott, Extra Time, 9/10/13
 - Tim Scott, Didn't Mind, 7/20/11
 - Tony Scott, Switch Hitter, 6/20/13
 - Tyrone Scott, Live Arm, 1/13/16
 - Tony Scruggs, Same Feeling, 4/28/11
 - Scott Scudder, Got Back, 6/24/12
 - Rudy Seanez, Do Anything, 9/8/12
 - Mike Search, Positive Energy, 5/1/15
 - Steve Searcy, Positive Attitude, 11/5/10
 - Bob Sebra, On Purpose, 6/22/11
 - Tate Seefried, Same Way, 4/14/19
 - Dan Segui, Some Kids, 2/25/13
 - David Segui made the bigs, but eventually had help; Made 15 ML seasons, Mitchell Report, 6/2/22
 - Diego Segui, More Motion, 1/17/13
 - Jose Segura, Place for Him, 10/10/11
 - Jason Sehorn, Tremendous Athleticism, 7/27/13
 - Mac Seibert, Professional Level, 3/11/16
 - Keith Seiler, More Happy, 4/15/19
 - Rick Sellers, Awesome Thing, 3/23/16
 - Jon Shave made the most of his time in the bigs; Saw three seasons there, including all of 1999, 8/18/20
 - Cedric Shaw, Heckuva Game, 12/28/15
 - Curtis Shaw, Walk On, 3/20/14
 - Jeff Shaw, Changed Gears, 9/27/14
 - Kerry Shaw, Better Hitter, 2/1/13
 - Kevin Shaw was once a prospect, saw seven seasons, made AA, 1/17/24
 - Theo Shaw, Like A Kid, 10/27/11
 - John Shea, Serious Look, 8/27/10
 - Danny Sheaffer made good on chances, 9/2/10
 - John Sheehan, Three Innings, 8/11/16
 - Jim Shellenback, Strong Points, 6/13/12
 - Ben Shelton, Very Special, 4/9/18
 - Keith Shepherd got noticed by two stars, 11/24/20
 - Mike Shepherd, Head Start, 7/4/15
 - Rich Shepperd, Big Spot, 6/9/16
 - Glenn Sherlock's coached long in game, 4/26/19
 - Tim Sherrill, Fishing and Baseball, 9/28/10
 - Darrell Sherman, Scouts Doubted, 9/24/10
 - James Shevlin, Two Shevlins, 11/28/13
 - Doug Shields, Played Hard, 10/13/18
 - Tommy Shields worked to prove self, 10/4/12
 - Steve Shifflett made ML in top shape, 5/12/14
 - Chris Shiflett, Very Frustrating, 12/17/15
 - Mark Shiflett played, coached decade, 10/6/15
 - Larry Shikles, Different Pitches, 9/28/12
 - Zak Shinall, Consistent Basis, 12/30/18
 - Gary Shingledecker, Five Hits, 1/25/16
 - Jeff Shireman loved to be on the field as player, coach, manager; Played seven seasons, made AAA, 7/29/22
 - Bob Shirley, Only Thing, 3/9/12
 - Scott Shockey, Made It Back, 5/26/10
 - John Shoemaker, The Goal, 11/3/18
 - Ken Silvestri saw time in eight ML seasons; In between, he fought in World War II; Also coached, 9/19/23
 - Enoch Simmons, Much Potential, 3/31/15
 - Nelson Simmons, Best Thing, 12/24/16
 - Randy Simmons, One Night, 1/24/14
 - Mike Simms, Bench Player, 10/2/11
 - Rich Simon, Lead Protected, 8/12/16
 - Dan Simonds, Right Place, 4/6/13
 - Doug Simons, As Excited, 4/23/11
 - Doug Simpson played three sports in high school, a season in pro baseball, became fireman, 2/21/20
 - Dan Sims, Early Run, 12/9/14
 - Greg Sims, Wind Aided, 4/10/18
 - Mark Sims, Proven Winner, 9/21/14
 - Matt Sinatro, Commitment to Improve, 11/10/10
 - Tom Singer, Job Done, 8/18/13
 - Joe Singley, Have To, 4/3/17
 - Joe Siwa, Great Things, 10/12/14
 - Joe Skalski, Quick Ending, 11/29/10
 - Andy Skeels showed leadership in game, 7/3/13
 - Rafael Skeete, Good Sense, 1/19/19
 - Bob Skinner, Much Pride, 3/24/12
 - John Skurla, Looking Outside, 10/9/12
 - Bill Slack, Good Teacher, 4/10/15
 - Vernon Slater, Playing Better, 8/9/18
 - Sluggers Sports Memorabilia opened across Toronto; Its owner later became central to 'Jack of All Trades' doc, 12/11/21
 - Joe Slusarski, Mental Toughness, 12/20/16
 - Craig Smajstrla, Not Quite, 12/8/11
 - Aaron Small, More Wins, 10/16/13
 - Jeff Small, Six Hits, 12/25/10
 - Mark Small, Not Enough, 9/26/13
 - Roberto Smalls played three pro seasons, made single-A, then went to prison in Virgin Islands for murder, 4/28/13
 - Reuben Smiley, Next Time, 2/11/13
 - Bryan Smith, Exciting Plan, 1/19/16
 - C.L. Smith, Enough Offense, 3/11/19
 - Lee Smith hoped there was room for her; Went from assistant to independent GM to the NHL, 4/3/22
 - Mark Smith, Stayed Unbeaten, 3/2/17
 - (Texas) Mike Smith, Next Time Out, 1/4/10
 - Randy Smith, Phenomenal Teacher, 12/6/16
 - Sean Smith returned from Guillain-Barré syndrome to see pros, 4/16/19
 - Steve Smith, Did A Lot, 3/3/11
 - Terrell Smith, Another Sport, 7/22/17
 - J.T. Snow took pride in his defense; Saw 16 ML seasons, won six Gold Gloves, 11/29/22
 - Brett Snyder, Helped Fuel, 7/2/17
 - Bryan Snyder, Going to Work, 10/17/10
 - Chris Snyder, Next Starter, 7/15/17
 - Randy Snyder, With Aggressiveness, 6/18/17
 - Ray Soff waited for 1st ML win, got 5, 3/19/12
 - Luis Sojo got key WS hit, long career, 5/11/11
 - Mike Soper threw sinkerballs and saved games; Saw six pro seasons, made AAA, 12/4/20
 - Paul Sorrento, Over The Plate, 1/19/11
 - Jose Sosa, Those Numbers, 7/17/17
 - Tim Sossamon, Good Velocity, 4/12/14
 - Rafael Soto, Someday Play, 7/18/13
 - Shaun Sottile, Impressive Start, 12/7/14
 - Brian Souza returned from arm injury to turn pro; Saw four seasons, made single-A, 7/7/20
 - Scott Sowell, Career Highlight, 10/6/17
 - Kyle Spencer picked up win in long relief at Gastonia; Saw four pro seasons, made high-A, 7/15/22
 - Shane Spencer, Look Back, 4/21/18
 - Tom Spencer, Team Trainer, 11/21/12
 - Tom Spencer, Looking For, 2/15/13
 - Mike Spiers trailblazed in travel ball, 4/14/24
 - Harry Spilman, Calling (Manny's) Mom, 6/18/10
 - John Spinosa trained in pros, on tape, 5/26/24
 - Tony Spires, Triple Total, 1/9/13
 - Scott Sprick took his pro chance to high-A with Orioles, 11/17/24
 - Dennis Springer, Being Different, 1/2/11
 - Steve Springer, Rather Play, 8/7/11
 - Robert Spurlock, Well Acquainted, 6/13/15
 - Lee Stange, Stayed Within,11/3/13
 - Tim Stange knew he had to earn college starting spot after injury; Played three pro seasons, made high-A, 3/19/23
 - Pete Stanicek, Brick Wall, 6/15/10
 - Steve Stanicek dreamed of making bigs; Made it over two seasons, for 13 games, 6/14/10
 - Andy Stankiewicz, Helped Them, 2/12/12
 - Karl Stanley, Pitched Well, 11/11/17
 - Leroy Stanton, Made Sure, 10/27/13
 - Tim Stargell, Team MVPs, 1/12/12
 - Matt Stark, Positive Attitude, 6/11/12
 - Dave Staton, Got Lucky, 10/30/15
 - Dave Staydohar, Advertising Sign, 6/8/16
 - John Stearns, Season Changing, 3/20/13
 - Rick Steed, Didn't Have, 9/6/13
 - Jim Steels, Just Glad, 1/20/12
 - Marino Stefany, Outstanding Pitching, 3/9/16
 - John Stefero signed with his hometown team, then hit back-to-back game-winners, 2/23/21
 - Mark Steffens, Local Team, 7/16/17
 - Bill Stein, His Role, 6/16/18
 - Brian Steiner, Hard Worker, 6/9/14
 - Mike Steinkamp changed pitching motion, signed as pro, 12/28/24
 - Earl Steinmetz, Independent Attention, 10/23/10
 - Dan Stenz, Brand New, 5/29/16
 - Todd Stephan knew the bigs sometimes required getting a break; Saw five pro seasons, made AAA, missed majors, 1/1/23
 - Brian Stephens, Extra Concentration, 10/28/17
 - Mark Stephens became first Marlins signee in a pro game; Saw seven seasons, made high-A, 6/18/20
 - Ray Stephens, Up In The Air, 9/13/10
 - Ron Stephens, Very Good, 6/2/13
 - Dave Stevens, Every Day, 7/31/13
 - Lee Stevens, To Play, 8/10/12
 - Matt Stevens, Some Excitement, 12/29/12
 - Scott Stevens, Good Record, 4/6/17
 - Brady Stewart, Any Way, 8/11/18
 - Carl Stewart, Fine Start, 5/7/13
 - Tito Stewart, Great Experience, 9/4/10
 - Wayne Stofsky worked, played in pros, then TV, coaching, 12/24/24
 - Bill Stohr, First Win, 7/13/17
 - Randy Stokes, One Place, 7/28/18
 - Brian Stone, Off Night, 2/1/19
 - Eric Stone, Locked Down, 5/22/12
 - Jeff Stone, That Job, 10/17/12
 - Mel Stottlemyre waited for majors call, made 13 majors games, 12/11/11
 - Steve Stowell, Impressive Work, 11/16/13
 - Don Strange, Job Done, 12/10/14
 - Doug Strange, Some Perspective, 8/25/10
 - Jim Stricek helped players after injuries as minors trainer; Once got ejected while doing so, 5/20/22
 - Ricky Strickland, One-Hopper, 10/3/15
 - Randy Strijek, His Chance, 4/21/16
 - Craig Strobel, Athletic Training, 9/30/15
 - Lester Strode spent more than three decades with the Cubs organization, 11/28/19
 - Brent Strom, Understands That, 7/8/13
 - Derek Stroud served as head coach at old high school for two decades; Played seven pro seasons, 1/11/20
 - Shannon Strong, Loved It, 10/16/18
 - Ed Stryker threw batting practice to major leaguers in college; Pro career topped out at high-A, 6/4/20
 - Dave Sturdivant, Three Runners, 4/28/15
 - Glenn Sudbury, Good Location, 3/23/14
 - William Suero, Been Tattooing, 3/22/13
 - Brian Sullivan, Family History, 12/15/13
 - Carl Sullivan improved his patience as hitter, saw six pro seasons; Made AA, 1/11/22
 - Glenn Sullivan, Came Home, 3/7/11
 - Mike Sullivan, Lesson Learned, 12/30/12
 - Sully's Pub in Peoria had memorabilia, sponsored Peoria set, 11/25/19
 - Sunny, Bedecked In, 10/29/15
 - John Surane, Amazing Win, 11/14/16
 - Steve Surico chose college over the pros; Came back from injury, saw all of seven pro games, 8/12/20
 - Glenn Sutko, His Heart, 6/28/15
 - Steve Swail, Signed As, 1/21/14
 - Rob Swain, His Chance, 4/23/14
 - Russ Swan, Threw Strikes, 10/26/11
 - Chad Swanson, Successfully Deployed, 2/23/13
 - Dave Swartzbaugh received support from his AAA pitching coach, then returned to bigs, 12/3/19
 - Jim Sweeney threw a 1990 pitch that cleared the benches, 11/27/19
 - Michael Sweeney, Set Back, 11/30/16
 - Rob Sweeney, The Switch, 5/31/19
 - Pat Sweet went to Alaska then made pros at Salt Lake,  12/29/24
 - Rick Sweet, That Mentality, 9/13/16
 - Paul Swingle, His Successes, 5/28/16
 - Steve Swisher, Work and Success, 8/10/11
 - Rod Tafoya played and then continued playing, into his late-50s, 10/12/23
 - Gino Tagliaferri, Lost Confidence, 3/18/16 
 - Kevin Tahan, His Night, 9/23/10
 - Louis Talbert saw 3 seasons, made AA, 7/15/11
 - Carlos Tamarez, Perfect Bunt, 3/12/14
 - Ramon Taveras threw well at short-season; Saw four seasons, made AA, 2/21/22
 - Aaron Taylor, Pitched Well, 7/25/13
 - Bill Taylor, Held It, 2/26/14
 - Charley Taylor, Fun Time, 9/15/16
 - Dave Taylor hit a late home run in college game; Saw two pro seasons, made high-A, 4/17/22
 - Dorn Taylor made bigs in 6th season, 6/21/12
 - Dwight Taylor, Good Jump, 7/27/14
 - Mike Taylor, Rain-Shortened, 8/17/13
 - Mike Taylor, Final Frame, 12/18/15
 - Mike Taylor, Successful Season, 2/7/18
 - Rob Taylor, Two Parts, 1/26/15
 - Scott Taylor, Much Fun, 11/5/14
 - Scott Taylor was Winston-Salem's best catcher in 1990; He briefly made AAA, but not the bigs, 1/5/20
 - Steve Taylor tried pros, made single-A, 7/15/24
 - Terry Taylor, That Mistake, 9/19/12
 - Terry Taylor, Had Potential, 5/18/15
 - Tommy Taylor, Down The Road, 1/20/11
 - Tony Taylor, Behind Him, 4/2/16
 - Wade Taylor showed confidence, made ML, 3/22/12
 - Garett Teel gave best shot, made high-A, turned coach, 10/5/20
 - Doug Tegtmeier played in Alaska, made three pro seasons, 10/16/17
 - Joe Teixeira saw two pro seasons, later coached college, 1/30/16
 - Domingo Tejada, Photo Day, 2/13/15
 - Francisco Tejada, Lead-Off Double, 7/9/17
 - Leo Tejada, Big Night, 4/1/17
 - Fausto Tejero, Most Experienced, 5/4/16
 - Anthony Telford, All About, 6/1/18
 - Dave Telgheder, Strange Feeling, 4/21/18
 - David Tellers turned his height into finesse pitching; Played seven pro seasons, made AA, 2/28/20
 - Adam Terris dedicated himself, then returned to college field; Made pros, saw two seasons, 1/12/21
 - Tony Terzarial, He's Learned, 11/18/12
 - Craig Teter, Hot Month, 4/22/17
 - Terry Tewell, Seemed Right, 2/7/15
 - Bob Tewksbury, Pitched Again, 8/25/17
 - Jeff Thelen made Legion World Series, four pro seasons, 10/2/14
 - Mike Thomas saw minors with Orioles, college FB with UNC, 11/16/24
 - Mitch Thomas, Baseball History, 1/1/16
 - Orlando Thomas, Game-Winner, 5/28/17
 - Ron Thomas, Bore Down, 11/26/14
 - Royal Thomas, Some Durability, 10/31/15
 - Skeets Thomas, Could Hit, 2/21/17
 - Ryan Thompson loved baseball, got to serve as Durham Bulls bat boy, 3/31/23
 - Sean Thompson, His Future, 11/26/13
 - Squeezer Thompson, Best Arm, 7/26/14
 - Tommy Thompson, Old School, 12/27/15
 - Eric Thornton realized in college he had pro potential; Played two pro seasons, made Pittsfield, 5/13/21 
 - Lou Thornton, Stuck Around, 11/26/10
 - Paul Thorpe, High-Pressure, 5/20/13
 - Brian Thorson, Dedicated Person, 12/14/16
 - Pat Tilmon continued playing for his love of game; Saw 11 seasons, briefly made AAA, coached, 4/23/23
 - Mike Timlin, Playoff Games, 2/4/18
 - Ron Tingley, An Upswing, 4/3/12
 - Lee Tinsley, Very Satisfying, 3/11/12
 - Kevin Tolar got his pitches over for a decade plus, then made the majors; Saw time in three ML campaigns, 4/3/21
 - Mark Tolbert, Not Enough, 5/28/15
 - Jose Tolentino, Best Chance, 6/15/11
 - David Tollison, Core Values, 9/10/13
 - Tim Tolman, Different Role, 9/4/13
 - Andy Tomberlin, His Position, 4/13/15
 - Randy Tomlin, Was Alright, 7/12/14
 - Rick Tomlin had long coaching career, 6/26/24
 - Matt Toole, Promoted To, 7/2/14
 - Tony Torchia, School Teacher, 10/12/11
 - Freddy Torres, Top Prospect, 3/5/16
 - Jessie Torres, Home Run, 4/19/13
 - Leo Torres, Long Save, 3/6/16
 - Paul Torres, Play Wherever, 4/23/13
 - Ramon Torres, Native Country, 3/18/15
 - Ricky Torres pitched over 8 seasons, 10/29/11
 - Tim Torricelli knew catchers needed defense, saw 4 seasons, 12/12/10
 - Kelvin Torve, Pressure Situations, 9/9/12
 - Tony Trevino accepted any position, as long as it got him in the lineup; Saw six seasons, made AA, 10/8/21 
 - Wally Trice, New Pitch, 8/15/16
 - Dave Tripp, Concentrated On, 3/19/14
 - Ricky Trlicek, Important Thing, 2/3/18
 - Mike Trombley, Good Times, 2/24/13
 - Steve Trout, Improved Greatly, 8/20/17
 - Kevin Trudeau, Played Harder, 9/17/17
 - Jose Trujillo took his team-oriented attitude from college to the pros; Saw four seasons, made high-A, 7/16/22
 - Ken Trusky just hoped to improve after draft; Saw three pro seasons, made high-A, 4/15/13
 - George Tsamis, Greatest Place, 2/26/13
 - Marc Tsitouris swung the bat well in a July 1991 game; Played two pro seasons, 10/17/19
 - Bill Tucker, True Passion, 11/13/17
 - Scooter Tucker, Game Confidence, 2/10/13
 - Steve Tucker, Got Outs, 12/31/14
 - Rich Tunison adjusted, saw 5 seasons, 3/8/12
 - Lee Tunnell, Had Confidence, 8/25/11
 - Brian Turang, Motivated Him, 11/9/14
 - Joe Turek, How Hard, 6/16/15
 - Dave Turgeon has gained close connections over 30-plus years in game; Played, then coached, 7/31/21
 - Brian Turner, His Best, 1/10/15
 - Matt Turner, Terrible Call, 4/12/15
 - Shane Turner, Worked on Hitting, 3/23/11
 - Rich Turrentine, Best Shot, 4/24/19
 - Joe Turvey, Old Time, 6/25/15
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 - Alex Ubina got drafted from Puerto Rico, among first; Played two seasons, 9/22/16
 - Kenichi Uchiyama, Any Other, 11/27/13
 - Ted Uhlaender, Hard Worker, 1/2/15
 - Scott Ullger, Chance Taken, 2/28/13
 - Bobby Underwood, Fine Pitcher, 4/10/13
 - Bob Undorf moved on to pros without pressure; Played four seasons, made AA, 4/26/20
 - Lee Upshaw, Player's Reality, 11/8/16
 - Tom Urbani worked to earn confidence over 4 ML seasons, 9/25/24
 - Joe Urbon, Straight Shooter, 12/15/12
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 - Julio Valera made 5 bigs seasons with 'dastardly dip' slider, 5/6/10
 - Amilcar Valdez, The Difference, 12/31/18
 - Efrain Valdez, Breaking Pitch, 4/14/11
 - Frank Valdez, Real Quick Bat, 9/11/10
 - Jose Valdez, At Home, 5/24/19
 - Rafael Valdez, Expectations Exceeded, 12/21/10
 - Gil Valencia, His Shot, 12/27/12
 - John Valentin, Rare Fetes, 3/31/16
 - Kerry Valrie loved to hit, in two sports; Played nine pro baseball seasons, made AAA, also tried for NFL, 4/9/21
 - Todd Van Poppel, Kept Playing, 3/17/14
 - Cap Van Rynbach, Select Group, 3/20/17
 - Aaron Van Scoyoc, That Knowledge, 1/14/15
 - Dave Van Winkle, Pro Prospect, 4/9/17
 - Bob Vancho, Bad Start, 6/15/17
 - Ed Vande Berg, Got to Act, 4/19/11
 - John Vander Wal, Liked Fastballs, 4/13/14
 - Bill Vanderwel, Home Country, 4/19/17
 - Brandy Vann, Just Pitch, 5/12/15
 - Tim Vannaman, Good Season, 2/21/14
 - Hector Vargas worked to make double plays at AA; Played more than decade, made AAA, 3/18/21 
 - Julio Vargas, His Chances, 7/14/17
 - Dan Varnell, Came Through, 12/29/17
 - Pat Varni hit well in college series; Later turned pro, saw two seasons, made high-A, 4/17/22
 - Gary Varsho, Playing Home, 3/6/11
 - Chris Vasquez, Accepted It, 5/10/13
 - Julian Vasquez, Good Pitches, 7/12/18
 - Marcos Vasquez did job over 11 seasons, saw AAA, Taiwan, 3/29/23
 - Jim Vatcher, Only Goal, 5/16/12
 - Mo Vaughn, For Miles, 1/20/14
 - Bruce Vegely saw 4 seasons, coached, 9/29/22
 - Brian Veilleux, Grand Slam, 12/27/16
 - Steve Veit, Day Before, 1/15/16
 - Mando Verdugo got out of slump with manager's help; Saw five pro seasons, made high-A, 8/8/22
 - Dave Veres, Comeback Bid, 3/18/11
 - Chris Verna, Big Thrill, 6/12/15
 - Mark Verstandig, Every Day, 7/1/14
 - Don Vesling, Too Fine, 12/13/11
 - Will Vespe played 2 seasons, attempted post-surgery comeback, 8/7/22
 - Darryl Vice, That Situation, 3/26/15
 - Alberto Vicente, Important Point, 2/19/15
 - Don Vidmar, To Work, 5/25/15
 - John Viera saw college career imperiled by miscommunication; Saw four pro seasons, made AAA, 11/11/22
 - Jose Viera, Walk-Off, 8/3/13
 - Joey Vierra, Greatest Memory, 12/18/10
 - Hector Villanueva, Streak Hitter, 8/7/12 
 - Juan Villanueva wanted to play baseball, did so over seven seasons; Made AA, 10/20/20
 - Juan Villareal, Best Of, 7/14/17
 - Ozzie Virgil, Getting Hit, 6/12/11
 - George Virgilio, Took Some, 7/5/15
 - Joe Vitko, Really Pleased, 7/14/18
 - Jose Vizcaino, Game-Winner, 2/20/12
 - Junior Vizcaino, Making Assessments, 7/14/14
 - Dan Vizzini, Good Year, 3/18/14
 - Jack Voigt handled bigs over 7 seasons, 5/23/13
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 - Scott Wade played over 12 minors seasons, missed bigs, 1/18/11
 - Aubrey Waggoner, Mostly for Speed, 6/28/10
 - Jim Waggoner, Tie Broken, 2/27/14
 - Adam Wagner served as trainer in high-A All-Star game and in Venezuela; Minors career proved brief, 7/30/21
 - Dan Wagner, Pull Even, 9/13/17
 - Darrell Wagner, Unexpected Curves, 1/1/18
 - Hector Wagner, First Win, 3/9/13
 - Paul Wagner, One Night, 4/12/13
 - Dave Wainhouse made bigs in 7 seasons, 12/30/20
 - Don Wakamatsu, Difficult Task, 4/29/12
 - Tim Wakefield called his first ASG in 2009 a cool story; Saw 19 ML seasons, 3/5/18
 - Matt Walbeck, Could Play, 8/6/13
 - Alan Walden, Wound Up, 3/16/15
 - Ron Walden became top pick, got hurt, 6/2/20
 - Jim Walewander, Free Spirit, 8/18/10
 - Chico Walker, Playing Time, 9/14/19
 - Dennis Walker, Two Seasons, 4/5/17
 - Greg Walker, Warm Ups, 4/21/10
 - Hugh Walker reminded Royals scouts of Bo, missed majors, 1/10/24
 - Jerry Walker, Eclipsed Perspective, 11/4/17
 - Johnny Walker, Play Both, 8/19/15
 - Larry Walker, Solo Homer, 1/12/15
 - Mike A. Walker, Got the Ball, 6/27/11
 - Mike C. Walker, Two Dreams, 4/2/11
 - Pete Walker got hitters out in the majors; Later worked with pitchers to do the same as ML coach, 5/28/21
 - Rich Walker, No Fuss, 6/21/13
 - Donne Wall, Hungry Guy, 9/21/13
 - Tim Wallace, Only Thing, 5/20/15
 - Casey Waller, Get Better, 10/1/11
 - Les Wallin knew all he could do was play; Saw six pro seasons, topped out at AA, 3/25/23
 - Dave Wallwork, Brought His, 7/7/19
 - Dave Walsh, Tough Decisions, 4/19/10
 - Dan Walters made bigs, then turned to policing; Later was shot aiding another officer, has since passed, 10/23/20
 - Darryel Walters hoped to fit in team's ML plans, made AAA, 2/19/12
 - Bruce Walton, Could Pitch, 10/14/11
 - Dave Walters, Good Makeup, 1/9/14
 - John Wanish, Lead Protected, 10/27/13
 - Chuck Wanke, That Doubt, 12/22/17
 - Steve Wapnick, Real Aggressive, 5/15/11
 - Anthony Ward, Own Strengths, 1/20/18
 - Colby Ward, Good Day, 2/27/12
 - Kevin Ward, Kept Going, 7/21/12
 - Ricky Ward, Too Much, 1/27/13
 - Turner Ward, Played Hard, 2/4/12
 - Joey Wardlow, Was Hungry, 6/4/14
 - Mel Wearing, His Love, 1/31/16 
 - David Weathers, How Special, 2/28/18
 - Jim Weaver, His Strength, 9/26/12
 - Ben Webb, No Regrets, 7/10/14
 - Lonnie Webb did his job as leadoff man in 1990; Saw four seasons, hit high-A, 5/26/20
 - Spyder Webb, His Name, 11/2/17
 - Pete Weber, Bright Spot, 8/2/17
 - Ron Weber made his college record book, saw six pro seasons, 5/15/17
 - Steve Weber, Other Breaks, 8/1/18
 - Weston Weber, One Pitch, 12/20/11
 - Casey Webster, Couldn't Replicate, 5/5/11
 - Lenny Webster, Tough Decision, 11/10/13
 - Mike Webster got strong in high school, made 2 pro seasons, 1/11/24
 - Von Wechsberg, One Run, 3/10/15
 - Eric Wedge, Liked It, 4/17/11
 - Matt West, Had Ability, 12/4/14
 - Elanis Westbrooks, No Surprises, 2/1/13
 - Mickey Weston, His Opportunities, 5/20/12
 - Tim Weston trained in minors, college, 10/28/15
 - Jeff Wetherby, Roller Coster, 1/29/12
 - Shawn Whalen saw 4 seasons, scouted, 7/7/14
 - Fred Whatley fooled hitters in college, 7/7/17
 - Chris Wheat saw 2 seasons, single-A, 6/14/20
 - Robert Wheatcroft returned, made pros, 2/3/16
 - Dave Wheeler saw one season, Billings, 5/9/13
 - Ken Wheeler, More Leeway, 9/26/13
 - Rocket Wheeler, Lengthy Trip, 3/31/11
 - Winston Wheeler, Took Deep, 2/22/15
 - Gary Wheelock, Further Development, 10/30/17
 - Joe Whipps, Showed It, 6/27/19
 - Matt Whisenant, Track Record, 7/8/17
 - Randy Whisler, Developed Them, 6/8/14
 - Billy White moved up to AA, then stayed there over five seasons; Made AAA, not bigs, 1/15/20
 - Clinton White, Multi-Sport, 4/21/13
 - Craig White, College Honors, 11/24/17
 - Darrin White, Credited Experience, 6/17/17
 - Fred White, Unlimited Potential, 2/22/13
 - Marvin White, School Career, 5/29/14
 - Mike White, Weird Experience, 12/27/18
 - Ken Whitworth pumped strikes over 2 seasons, made high-A, 1/4/25
 - Bob Wickman, Ran With It, 5/6/17
 - Scott Wiegandt, Enjoy Most, 12/10/12
 - Phil Wiese, Left Off, 11/11/10
 - Johnny Wiggs, With Emotion, 11/1/14
 - Trey Wilburn, Treated Rudely, 12/27/13
 - Greg Wilcox, Beating Anyone, 1/28/17
 - Willie Wilder, His Dedication, 10/9/17
 - Mike Wiley started and relieved over two pro seasons, 10/19/24
 - Skip Wiley pitched self to 5 seasons, 5/12/14
 - Willie Wilkerson, Home State, 10/21/17
 - Dean Wilkins, Moved Up, 5/2/12
 - Michael Wilkins, Every Time, 12/31/10
 - Gerald Williams got plenty of playing time over 14 seasons in the bigs, 3/21/21
 - Jay Williams, Best Case, 7/8/16
 - Jerrone Williams hit well in independent ball, couldn't get back to affiliated ball, 11/15/19
 - Jimmy Williams, Its Fullest, 9/18/12
 - Joe Williams, Big Win, 5/17/16
 - Juan Williams, Lead Stuck, 7/1/15
 - Ken Williams, Complete Game, 10/9/13
 - Reggie Williams worked to make the most of his big league opportunities; Saw time in four seasons, 9/27/22
 - Spin Williams, So Excited, 7/9/14
 - Steve Williams, Usual Pop, 2/2/16
 - Ted Williams, Steal Bases, 1/18/12
 - Tyler Williams, Six Innings, 10/27/17
 - Walt Williams, Much Different, 12/29/15
 - Woody Williams, Good Time, 3/21/13
 - Carl Willis, Track Record, 2/18/11
 - Marty Willis set his sights on pro baseball; Got there, saw five seasons, made AA, 8/21/21
 - Travis Willis initially hated relief, then it grew on him, 12/2/19
 - Paul Wilmet, Playing Days, 12/28/10
 - Brad Wilson, Home Runs, 10/22/16
 - Craig Wilson, Be Consistent, 7/11/10
 - Craig Wilson, Big Investment, 1/5/14
 - Dan Wilson got noticed in long career, 5/19/24
 - David Wilson, Ready To, 1/18/16
 - Gary Wilson, Abbreviated Climb, 11/7/11
 - Rodney Windes proved reliable over 6 seasons, made AAA, 3/24/24
 - Robbie Wine, Lucky Enough, 4/22/14
 - Barry Winford, Crossed Paths, 5/22/14
 - Darrin Winston, Saddest Ending, 4/6/14
 - Dennis Wiseman, His Arrival, 5/13/17
 - Rob Wishnevski, Every Day, 9/14/18
 - Richard Witherspoon ran extra sprints at Elmira; Played three pro seasons, made high-A, 5/17/22
 - Matt Witkowski, Can Happen, 6/30/14
 - Ron Witmeyer, What Happens, 2/28/14
 - Mark Wohlers, Cranked It, 12/7/14
 - Brian Wood spotted his fastball, played nine pro seasons; Made AAA, not bigs, 11/9/20
 - Jeff Wood, Into Baseball, 9/27/13
 - John Wood, Anniversary Team, 11/24/16
 - Ted Wood, His Strength, 3/30/16
 - Mark Wooden, Came Through, 12/18/14
 - Pat Woodruff thought the pros wouldn't call, they did: Saw five pro seasons, made AA, 10/24/21
 - Tyrone Woods, Any Time, 12/9/13
 - Kerry Woodson, Big Butterflies, 7/8/10
 - Tracy Woodson, His Chance, 12/17/11
 - Rob Woodward, Did Return, 7/9/11
 - Jon Woodworth, With Experience, 1/22/18
 - Ron Wotus, Bottom Line, 1/19/15
 - James Wray, Pitched Aggressively, 1/1/19
 - Brian Young hoped to progress in pros, saw 5 seasons, high-A, 7/22/21
 - Cliff Young, The Opportunity, 8/29/12
 - Delwyn Young, Racing Home, 4/3/10
 - Eddie Zambrano hit two home runs in 1994 game for Cubs; Saw time in two ML seasons, 8/31/22
 - Roberto Zambrano, Recovered Fine, 10/18/10
 - Dave Zancanaro, His Goal, 3/16/14
 - Mark Zappelli, His Goal, 9/23/17
 - Fernando Zarranz, Contending Talent, 8/10/19
 - Gregg Zaun, Team Player, 2/14/16
 - Mauricio Zazueta started in the Yankees system, then made a career in his native Mexico, 12/20/22

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