L: Roger LaFrancois to Rick Lysander, Baseball Profiles

Roger LaFrancois 1990 Vancouver Canadians card

Players A to Z: Roger LaFrancois to Rick Lysander
Most recent player added Oct. 18, 2024

 - Roger LaFrancois made bigs in 1982 after long wait; Saw eight games, 6/25/10
 - Mike Laga, First One, 1/8/12
 - Larry Lamphere made Pan Am team, saw three pro seasons, 3/26/24
 - Tom Lampkin, Ultimately Played, 11/24/11
 - Gary Lance, Those Games, 10/3/12
 - Gary Lance, Picked Up, 2/14/15
 - Rick Lancellotti, Worth It, 7/7/10
 - Carlos Landinez, Fast Start, 5/11/17
 - Ed Landphere helped college to win, saw 18 pro games, 11/24/13
 - Ced Landrum, Getting on Base, 8/15/10
 - Michael Landsman aced umpire school test, got minors job; Quickly felt burned out, 6/1/21
 - Gregg Langbehn, Different Ballgame, 6/2/18
 - Brian Lane, His Day, 7/18/12
 - Gene Lane, Good Health, 10/11/16
 - Heath Lane, Decisions Made, 10/17/15
 - Lee Langley suffered devastating on-field eye injury, then returned for one more season, 10/16/21
 - Steve Lankard, His Personality, 5/30/11
 - Ray Lankford, Some Kind, 9/27/12
 - Marty Lanoux, Big Runs, 5/9/14
 - Mike Lansing used mental approach to see nine ML seasons, 12/11/23
 - Rick Lantrip, That Class, 10/2/15
 - Crucito Lara, Enough Success, 6/6/19
 - Ruben Lardizabal, Three Seasons, 9/22/19
 - Steve Larose, Enough For, 8/20/19
 - Ed Larregui, Running Hard, 7/28/13
 - Mike Larson gave good outing at Boise; Later served as MLB scout, 10/14/23
 - Bill Laskey, Settled Down, 6/26/12
 - Tim Lata, First Win, 5/18/17
 - John Latham, Best Of, 3/4/18
 - Dominic Latkovski, Billy Bird, 9/5/17
 - Bobby Latmore, Sports Career, 4/9/13
 - Greg Latta was trainer, part of team, 6/2/24
 - Dave Latter, Those Pitches, 4/4/15
 - Charley Lau Jr. followed his father into coaching hitters, became 'hitting guru' in own right, 4/19/21
 - Frank Laureano, Singular Goal, 3/11/13
 - Frank Laviano, Emotional Ties, 3/30/19
 - Joe Law, Good Enough, 11/14/10
 - Scott Lawrenson, Saved A Life, 10/25/11
 - Jim Lawson, Baseball Mechanics, 2/18/14
 - Marcus Lawton, Hard Baseball, 3/19/11
 - Jeff Lazor, Next Comparison, 8/6/17
 - Chris Leach got out of college slump with cycle; Saw three pro seasons, made high-A, 3/15/23
 - Jalal Leach, Passion For, 8/31/15
 - Rob Leary, Player Assessment, 12/8/13
 - Richie LeBlanc, Groundball Pitcher, 3/9/13
 - Carlos Ledezma made majors elsewhere, 11/8/19
 - Derek Lee, Going Up North, 6/3/10
 - Terry Lee, So Successful, 8/13/17
 - Wiley Lee, Competitive Nature, 10/1/17
 - Joe Lefebvre played ball, coached it, 7/13/13
 - Phil Leftwich, Good Shape, 5/15/16
 - Greg Legg, Take Advantage, 8/5/13
 - Mike Lehman hoped slot would open at AAA, made it, but briefly; Saw six seasons, missed bigs, 1/31/23
 - Brent Leiby, Entailed More, 7/15/17
 - Eric Leimeister wasn't sure he'd have a pro career after final college starts; Made pros, saw two seasons, 5/7/20
 - Chris Lein, That Insight, 3/12/18
 - Pat Leinen, Too Many, 2/1/16
 - Tim Leiper, Long Wait, 7/25/12
 - John Leister, Childhood Dream, 2/15/11
 - Mark Leiter, Got There, 8/26/11
 - Scott Leius, On Base, 6/29/12
 - Jim LeMasters started, relieved over 6 pro seasons, made AAA, 6/4/10
 - Jim Lemon knew hitting intangibles, 6/30/24
 - Pat Lennon, Raised Him, 11/4/14
 - Johnny Leon, Cut Down, 4/1/19
 - Mike Leon, Trainer's Ring, 12/28/15
 - Mark Leonard, Good Feeling, 2/10/12
 - John Lepley, College Horse, 2/14/19
 - Curt Leskanic had short memory over 11 ML seasons; Took pivotal '04 Red Sox ALCS win, 8/15/22
 - Jimmy Lester, Mold Them, 8/30/14
 - Jim Lett, Well-Kept, 2/5/14
 - Shane Letterio, Felt Confident, 5/28/12
 - Tom LeVasseur, Came to Play, 5/29/11
 - Danny Lewis got chance in 17 seasons, 4/30/24
 - Darren Lewis, His Style, 12/15/16
 - Jim Lewis, Relief Pitcher, 1/6/12
 - Joe Lewis, Cut Down, 5/25/14
 - Mark Lewis, Hot Start, 6/10/12
 - Scott Lewis, Lucky Man, 4/20/11
 - Tony Lewis returned to college, then got hurt, vowed comeback; Made pros over four seasons, hit single-A, 7/3/14
 - T.R. Lewis, Winning Hit, 8/12/12
 - Jim Leyritz, Second Chances, 3/25/11
 - Dave Liddell, Well Above, 2/13/12
 - Steve Liddle, On Talent, 10/7/14
 - Al Liebert, Big Play, 4/27/14
 - Mike Lieberthal, His Mark, 2/21/15
 - Steve Lienhard, Showed Confidence, 4/17/16
 - Kelly Lifgren, Top Team, 10/12/15
 - Jose Lima, His Time, 9/25/16
 - Chris Limbach, Best Pitch, 12/22/12
 - Darrell Lindsey knew it was on him to pitch his best; Saw five pro seasons, made AA, 9/25/21
 - Doug Lindsey, No Joke, 8/22/11
 - Mike Linskey, Really Exciting, 4/8/13
 - Doug Linton, Ready to Pitch, 9/3/10
 - Johnny Lipon felt good and enjoyed the game over five decades as player, then manager, 8/29/21
 - Marc Lipson played in college, pros, 10/5/14
 - Felipe Lira, Good Game, 10/15/16
 - Pat Listach, How Fortunate, 12/12/15
 - Mark Littell, Not Nervous, 8/31/14
 - Bryan Little, His Determination, 7/6/14
 - Jeff Livesey won HS praise, saw minors, coached in majors, 3/29/21 
 - Scott Livingstone, Would Hit, 1/27/12
 - Bobby Llanos, Hot-Hitting, 7/9/17
 - Mike Lloyd, Tone Set, 10/5/14
 - John Locker played the game over two seasons; Saw Elmira over both, 7/20/21
 - Ron Lockett, Didn't Stop, 11/1/15
 - Keith Lockhart, Kept Progressing, 4/13/10
 - Rich Lodding took effort to 4 seasons, 10/15/17
 - Kenny Lofton helped teams many ways over 17 majors seasons, 2/22/24
 - Rodney Lofton, Bunt The Ball, 7/26/10
 - Joe Logan, Mirrors That, 12/7/13
 - Todd Logan, Tough Kid, 2/20/13
 - Mike Loggins handled wall in college, saw 7 pro seasons, AAA, 5/25/11
 - Adin Lohry, Easy Choice, 10/9/15
 - Chris Lombardozzi, What Happens, 3/6/15
 - Rich Longuil worked to stay in front of hitters over five pro seasons; Made high-A, 5/29/23
 - Greg Lonigro, Future Expansion, 8/5/17
 - Fred Lopez, Backup Catcher, 11/25/14
 - Javy Lopez, Happiest Man, 1/15/14
 - Bill Losa got title, name alongside Puckett in JUCO World Series; Saw five pro seasons, made high-A, 7/12/22
 - A.J. Lostaglio has used his immediate judgment over more than three decades as umpire in minors, college, 5/31/21
 - Steve Loubier got his foot in the pro door; Stayed five seasons, made AA, 10/28/20
 - Stewart Lovdal, Picked Up, 6/25/13
 - Sylvester Love, Went Fast, 12/3/15
 - Will Love, Early End, 2/20/14
 - Vance Lovelace, No Quitter, 4/30/12
 - Rob Lukachyk returned from getting cut to make bigs in 10th pro season; Saw two ML games, 12/17/21
 - Mike Lumley, Hometown Player, 3/14/11
 - Ed Lund missed out on AA, but he wanted to keep playing; Saw four seasons, topped out at high-A, 5/15/20
 - Rick Lundblade, Rare Opportunity, 5/29/13
 - Jason Lundgren, Bat Boy, 1/14/18

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