M: Jason Maas to Mike Myers, 1990 Minor League Players

Jason Maas 1990 Columbus Clippers card

Players A to Z: Jason Maas to Mike Myers
Most recent player added Feb. 23, 2025

 - Jason Maas got big single-A hit; Made AAA in seven seasons, 12/26/10
 - Kevin Maas, High Expectations, 1/30/11
 - Mark MacArthur, Team Trailblazer, 2/12/17
 - Bob MacDonald, Needed Confidence, 3/27/13
 - Dave Machemer worked to develop players, and loved doing it, 4/7/11
 - Quinn Mack, Missed Catch, 6/12/10
 - Ray Mack, Over With, 6/28/15
 - Pete Mackanin, Good Way, 11/2/11
 - Kevin Macleod, Gem Thrown, 12/21/16
 - Lonnie Maclin, Got On, 8/27/17

 - Darrell MacMillan drew notice in high school; Played two pro seasons, 10/2/23
 - Tim MacNeil turned solid reliever in college; Saw three pro seasons, made high-A, 4/16/22
 - Andres Macu, League Title, 6/1/19
 - Morris Madden, Not A Quitter, 2/10/11
 - Greg Maddux drew early comparisons to all-timers, then became one himself, 11/2/19
 - Mike Maddux, Prepared to Pitch, 10/18/11
 - Bobby Magallanes played, then managed, 11/19/14
 - Ever Magallanes, Highest Level, 3/2/11
 - Will Magallanes, From Injury, 5/30/13
 - Warren Magee, Winter Roster, 9/26/14
 - Jim Magill improved, saw 5 seasons, 10/18/17
 - Brett Magnusson saw 7 seasons, coached, 9/25/20
 - Tom Magrann, Catching Opportunities, 8/21/11
 - Mike Malley, No-Hitter, 1/19/14
 - Jim Mallon worked as a college coach to improve his players on and off the field; Briefly managed in minors, 3/17/20
 - Bob Malloy, Didn't Matter, 4/5/14
 - Chuck Malone, Benefit of the Doubt, 11/8/10
 - Todd Malone, Pitching Award, 3/1/12
 - Chris Maloney, Maturing Process, 2/23/17
 - Rich Maloney, Coaching Career, 4/22/15
 - Austin Manahan, Struggled A Bit, 2/24/11
 - Tony Manahan, Showed Confidence, 11/8/18
 - Sam Mandia, Better Himself, 9/14/13

 - Bryan Manicchia, Got Noticed, 7/29/17
 - Kelly Mann, Defensive Catcher, 4/25/15
 - Thomas Mann, Two Hopes, 7/23/13
 - Josias Manzanillo, His Stuff, 1/4/14
 - Ravelo Manzanillo, Four Pitches, 7/12/11
 - Greg Margheim, Purely Personal, 5/15/13
 - Juan Marina showed promise in rookie ball, played five pro seasons; Made single-A, 12/9/21
 - Mark Marino, All Star Sports, 12/28/16
 - Joe Markulike, Busy Day, 11/13/16
 - Edgar Marquez, Returned To, 8/14/13
 - Edwin Marquez, Visa Problems, 7/23/10
 - Oreste Marrero, Father's Day, 6/29/17
 - Vilato Marrero, Defining Job, 7/2/17
 - John Martin played a decade in the minors, then started a new career as a coach, 10/15/21
 - Todd Martin flat out hit in high school, enough for third round; Pro career lasted two seasons, 3/31/21
 - Tom Martin, His Way, 1/24/16
 - Chito Martinez tried to keep good focus, saw 3 ML seasons, 9/20/10
 - David Martinez, Second Game, 5/2/15
 - Domingo Martinez, These Days, 3/16/13
 - Edgar Martinez, Greatest DH, 10/8/10
 - Fili Martinez finished a college shutout; Later hoped to finish by making bigs, never made it, 3/1/20
 - John Martinez, A Second, 3/10/15
 - Julian Martinez, Old Friend, 1/29/11
 - Luis Martinez, Took Advantage, 5/29/17
 - Luis Martinez, Quick Learner, 11/7/18
 - Manny Martinez, Wasn't Nervous, 3/22/14
 - Martin Martinez shut door in big college win, saw 3 seasons, 12/11/13
 - Nicio Martinez, Too Little, 6/27/15
 - Pablo Martinez, First Hit, 7/31/14
 - Pedro Martinez showed 'unlimited potential' in rookie ball; He then made Hall of Fame, 5/23/20
 - Ray Martinez played 23 years, coached, 9/25/22
 - Reynaldo Martinez, Big Jump, 3/20/15
 - Tino Martinez, Quality Player, 10/9/10
 - William Martinez, Held Them, 12/25/13
 - Tim Marting, Highest Point, 4/18/18
 - Bill Marx, Good Command, 11/1/15
 - Jose Marzan, Good Sign, 11/11/13
 - John Marzano, Watch Him Hit, 7/22/10
 - Dickey Marze, Pegged As, 1/16/14
 - Marty Mason, Strike One, 2/27/19
 - John Massarelli showed positive attitude over decade in pros, 3/2/24
 - Billy Masse worked to prove himself, 7/8/13
 - Jeff Massicotte came on in tough spot at Geneva and struck out three; Played four pro seasons, 1/11/20
 - Dan Masteller, Like This, 2/20/13
 - Dave Masters, Long Shot, 9/21/12
 - Wayne Masters, Championship City, 4/17/13
 - Dave Mastropietro was ready to play baseball; Played it professionally over a single season, 4/16/20
 - Paul Matachun played multiple positions over three seasons, made single-A, 8/23/20
 - Jose Mateo, Bad Night, 7/19/14
 - Eddie Mathews, Next Season, 5/26/16
 - Greg Mathews, Unexpected Start, 9/9/17
 - Terry Mathews, Real Big, 1/2/16
 - Mike Mathile's potential didn't pan out with trip to bigs, 10/3/19
 - Mike Mathiot, Game Winner, 10/4/14
 - Wayne Mathis, Chance Scout, 3/19/17
 - Malvin Matos felt good at independent Alexandria; Played 14 pro seasons, never made bigs, 7/30/20
 - Tom Matthews, Tough Competitor, 6/1/19
 - Frank Mattox played seven seasons, made AAA, worked as scout, 2/14/12
 - Danny Matznick, About Him, 4/25/17
 - Rob Maurer, First Season, 11/22/11
 - Ron Maurer kept swinging to college hit mark; Saw decade in pros, including Taiwan, but not bigs, 6/6/20
 - Michael Mauro, Most Rewarding, 7/22/18
 - Tim Mauser, Best Outing, 1/17/11
 - John Maxwell, Prepared For, 1/31/16
 - Derrick May, Swinging The Bat, 12/15/10
 - Todd Mayo knew in baseball the outcome is never certain; Saw four pro seasons, made AA, 1/26/21
 - Matt Maysey, Two Firsts, 4/18/12
 - Leo Mazzone, Famed Rock, 5/10/10
 - Mike McAlpin, Algebra Teacher, 8/15/13
 - Jamie McAndrew got accepted in bigs, 9/21/20
 - Dave McAuliffe, Give Credit, 12/9/12
 - Loy McBride saw the ball well at high-A; Played four pro seasons, made AA, 12/10/21
 - Randy McCament, All the Confidence, 6/6/11
 - Brian McCann, Trainer's Goal, 4/15/10
 - Joe McCann, Broke Out, 7/7/18
 - Greg McCarthy got his confidence up, then made the majors; Later went to Europe, 10/25/21
 - Steve McCarthy, Tenth Save, 11/29/12
 - Paul McClellan, Streak Extended, 10/24/11
 - Tim McClinton played 2 sports in high school, saw 5 seasons, 6/9/18
 - Walt McConnell, Bounce Back, 8/1/10
 - Brian McCormack, In It, 3/1/13
 - Don McCormack, Grabbed Him, 9/29/14
 - Glenn McCormick, Early Success, 1/3/18
 - John McCormick saw four pro seasons, made high-A with Royals, 12/29/23
 - Brent McCoy, Game MVP, 1/26/14
 - Tim McCoy, Been Strong, 3/1/14
 - Trey McCoy returned from early retirement to see nine pro seasons; Made AAA, 6/12/22
 - Eric McCray, Trade Talk, 3/5/11
 - Justin McCray, His Recommendation, 9/22/13
 - Rodney McCray, Baseball Immortality, 5/31/13
 - Todd McCray, Settled Down, 5/2/16
 - Bob McCreary, Toughest Adjustment, 2/19/13
 - Deron McCue, Six Innings, 1/28/13
 - Shelby McDonald impressed in college; Saw three pro seasons, made AA, 10/21/21
 - Julius McDougal, Dazzlingly Paisley, 5/21/10
 - Mike McDowell, More Fun, 9/18/13
 - Tim McDowell, Another Profession, 3/25/18
 - Shawn McElfish, 'A' Game, 3/5/15
 - Jason McFarlin, Speedy Scout, 12/4/10
 - Andy McGaffigan could start or relive, saw 11 majors seasons, 10/2/12
 - Jeremy McGarity played decade as pro, then became pastor, 9/19/24
 - Tony McGee, Off Guard, 10/11/15
 - Kevin McGehee, Much Adrenalin, 1/10/13
 - Russ McGinnis, Up to Him, 11/30/10
 - Steve McGovern, Pitching Strength, 6/15/13
 - Chuck McGrath made AAA with Cardinals, saw 7 seasons overall, 12/27/10
 - Tom McGraw made the Cardinals, couldn't stop grinning, 4/1/24
 - Terry McGriff, Draft Hopes, 4/16/10
 - Bill McGuire, Few At Bats, 8/19/11
 - Ron McKay has served as a coach in high school, college and pros, also as instructor, 4/20/21
 - Butch McKeon, Competitive Fire, 7/6/14
 - Joel McKeon, Working Forkball, 5/24/13
 - Kasey McKeon, Taught Him, 3/22/16
 - Keith McKoy hit, used his speed enough to see three pro seasons; Made single-A, 10/11/22
 - John McLarnan, Any Other, 9/28/14
 - Brian McLeod, Back In, 1/8/13
 - Greg McMichael, Worked Out, 12/28/11
 - Stu McMillan, Big Plays, 12/12/16
 - Jeff McNeely played eight pro seasons, made bigs for 21 games, then went into education, 7/5/21
 - Marlin McPhail, Utility Man, 1/28/11
 - Brian McRae, Relaxed and Confident, 3/30/11
 - Rick McWane, Concussion Rules, 3/30/16
 - Tim McWilliam knew the importance of scouts in college, later became one himself; Briefly made AAA, 11/16/20
 - Timber Mead, Big League Name, 1/3/11
 - Bobby Meacham worked on consistency over six majors seasons, 3/12/11
 - Rusty Meacham, Not Afraid, 10/7/13
 - Louie Meadows, Into Place, 10/5/12
 - Scott Meadows, Got Comfortable, 6/9/11
 - Media Arts Group brought together four companies; In 1990, the group sponsored a baseball card set, 2/22/22
 - Facaner Medina, Spelled Right, 2/2/15
 - Luis Medina, Really Fun, 1/21/12
 - Patricio Medina, Very Quick, 2/4/15
 - Ricardo Medina, Right Pitch, 4/21/13
 - Scott Medvin showed bulldog, made ML 3/9/11
 - Tim Meeks, Fine Pitching, 4/29/18
 - Kevin Meier, Good Years, 4/15/16
 - Scott Meissner, Medical Field, 7/4/17
 - Cesar Mejia, Wasn't Nervous, 6/2/11
 - Leandro Mejia, Leader Board, 3/28/15
 - Francisco Melendez, Biggest Thing, 4/19/14
 - Jose Melendez, So Versatile, 6/27/10
 - Luis Melendez, Knew What, 2/24/17
 - Steve Melendez worked to get to know his players as a minor league trainer, 1/31/20
 - Mark Meleski, Season Openers, 6/23/11
 - Juan Mercedes had strong Bluefield outing, saw 3 seasons, 11/26/24
 - Luis Mercedes, Tough Situation, 4/5/13
 - Mark Merchant, Pretty Calm, 3/7/12
 - Kent Mercker, New Lease, 9/11/11
 - Steve Meredith screamed when he signed, saw 3 seasons, 4/12/24
 - Domingo Merejo, Among Them, 4/1/18
 - Luis Merejo, Hard Tag, 9/24/17
 - Frank Merigliano used his ability to see six pro seasons, later as youth instructor, 12/16/21
 - Doug Merrifield, Great Career, 2/20/16
 - Carl "Stump" Merrill, Help for Hitters, 4/12/10
 - Brett Merriman, That Control, 5/24/15
 - Matt Merullo, Own Path, 7/13/10
 - Audy Mesa, His Tools, 1/12/18
 - Baltazar Mesa played, went to prison, 9/18/20
 - Jose Mesa, His Job, 5/27/13
 - Mike Messerly, Hit Baseballs, 2/19/14
 - Hensley Meulens, Physical Ability, 10/8/12
 - Basil Meyer, Turning Points, 7/24/12
 - Brian Meyer, Hanging Slider, 11/17/11
 - Rick Meyer, Different Call, 2/12/15
 - Russ Meyer proved solid player, coach, 7/6/13
 - Don Meyers moved from infielder to catching; Saw three pro seasons, made high-A, 5/22/20
 - Mike Milchin worked to make most of chances in bigs, the others' chances as agent, 7/18/22
 - Jeff Milene, Remained Upbeat, 10/11/14
 - Dave Miley, Worked Out, 12/1/12
 - Sam Militello, Good Start, 9/8/15
 - Bernie Millan, Stretch Run, 3/11/17
 - Jose Millares strived for majors over 7 seasons, made AA, 11/21/24
 - Gar Millay, Good Ballplayer, 1/13/12
 - Damian Miller made bigs for decade, 6/16/24
 - Darrell Miller, Doing His Job, 4/30/10
 - Dave Miller, Sinker Guy, 5/25/13
 - David Miller, Complete Game, 12/16/11
 - Keith Miller, Big Hit, 6/16/12
 - Kevin Miller, Greatest Joy, 9/17/16
 - Kurt Miller started with pressure of first-round pick; Saw time in five ML seasons, Japan, 3/20/20
 - Mike Miller, Possible Promotion, 9/18/19
 - Orlando Miller, That Far, 11/13/11
 - Pat Miller followed his father to the pros, not to the majors; Played five seasons, made AA, 7/23/20
 - Paul Miller, Late Pick, 3/21/18
 - Rhonda Miller helped welcome back an injured bat boy in 1992; Served as account executive, in promotions, 4/4/22
 - Rich Miller, Ins and Outs, 3/28/11
 - Roger Miller, Very Excited, 1/19/15
 - Russ Miller, Hurt Him, 1/14/18
 - Scott A. Miller, Matured Some, 10/30/13
 - S. Scott Miller, Was Special, 10/30/13
 - Wallace Minnifield got the chance to turn pro in summer ball; Saw three pro seasons, 6/12/21
 - Blas Minor, Around Awhile, 3/21/12
 - Steve Mintz, The Job, 11/25/17
 - Gino Minutelli, Found It, 3/12/16
 - Tommy Mitchell saw six pro seasons, never wanted to leave game, 10/4/23
 - Mike Mitchener, Uncharted Waters, 4/4/17
 - John Mizerock helped Astros to 1985 win, 9/1/11
 - Hideki Mizusawa, Did Play, 12/17/13
 - Kevin Mmahat, Much Fun, 5/12/12
 - Dennis Moeller made majors with Royals in seventh season, 12/22/24
 - Eric Moen, His Future, 11/23/17
 - Mike Mohler, Big Thing, 3/30/15
 - Dale Mohorcic, Quietly Done, 5/14/12
 - Bobby Molinaro, Top of the Game, 9/5/10
 - Frank Monastero, Bigger Thrill, 3/14/15
 - Bill Monbouquette, Pitching Teacher, 1/16/18
 - Raul Mondesi had everything, won NL Rookie of the Year, played 13 ML seasons then went to prison for corruption, 6/5/20
 - Miguel Monegro helped seal team's comeback at Elmira; Saw four pro seasons, made high-A, 2/18/23
 - Sid Monge, Do Best, 11/29/13
 - Mike Mongiello, Like This, 4/2/17
 - Mario Monico set Hawaii college records, saw 6 seasons, 12/30/10
 - Steve Monson, Tough Mentality, 1/20/19
 - Rafael Montalvo, Brief Chance, 11/16/11
 - Rob Montalvo, That Advice, 9/15/13
 - Rich Monteleone, Building Confidence, 12/11/10
 - Cesar Montero, Admired Most, 7/28/13
 - Dan Montes made it over 2 seasons, started with Giants, 12/27/24
 - Mike Montgomery, Work Horse, 6/29/13
 - Ray Montgomery, Paid Off, 1/4/16
 - Charlie Montoyo, First Impression, 1/24/19
 - Boo Moore went from high HS rating to pros, saw 8 seasons, 5/4/22
 - Brad Moore, Worked Out, 7/24/13
 - Daryl Moore, Good Years, 2/18/16
 - Kerwin Moore made bigs for 22 games, 6/13/11
 - Marcus Moore played a decade, made bigs in three seasons; Third came after serious allegations, 9/18/22
 - Robert Moore, Best Arm, 2/3/11
 - Tim Moore, Shot Given, 7/25/13
 - Tony Moore, His Experiences, 3/10/17
 - Rich Morales, Full Potential, 12/25/14
 - Rich Morales played, coached, scouted, 4/23/24
 - Mickey Morandini, Reckless Abandon, 10/11/10
 - Chris Morrow saw 8 seasons, made AAA, 10/14/20
 - Timmie Morrow, Slow Progress, 7/18/10
 - Carlos Mota took pride in his defense over 12 pro seasons; Made AAA, saw independent ball, 12/12/20
 - Domingo Mota, Worked Hard, 5/16/19
 - Gary Mota, Some Things, 1/11/16
 - Jose Mota, Special Day, 7/26/11
 - Willie Mota, Big Day, 10/19/14
 - Darryl Motley, Biggest Game, 8/26/10
 - Jeff Motuzas, Expanded Role, 4/5/19
 - Jose Munoz made majors for 17 games, 9/19/20
 - Julio Munoz, Short Line, 9/19/13
 - Keith Murray lost nearly his entire first season to injury, played in just one more, 8/28/20
 - Matt Murray, Just Incredible, 1/20/14
 - Mike Murphy, Own Momentum, 2/25/15
 - Steve Murray, Big Difference, 11/10/14
 - Scott Muscat, That Mode, 6/13/17
 - Darren Musselwhite, Another Field, 2/28/16
 - Mike Mussina chose college, then became great, made Hall, 5/31/22
 - Jeff Mutis, Another Shot, 11/6/11
 - Chris Myers, Same Thing, 2/23/12
 - Eric Myers, Molder of People, 3/23/14
 - Jimmy Myers, No Doubts, 2/9/13
 - Mike Myers, Left-Handed Specialist, 1/6/13

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