All Star Sports in Stockton sold souvenirs, baseball cards

All Star Sports 1990 Stockton Ports card

Mark Marino and Mike Conroy not only sponsored Stockton Ports cards, they got cards themselves.

Marino and Conroy owned All Star Sports in Stockton, the company that served as the team set sponsor for the California League's Ports for at least three years.

All Star Sports offered sports souvenirs and baseball cards, according to its on-card ad.

All Star Sports appeared on the back of Ports cards from 1988 to 1990, backing at least four sets for the team.

The two appeared in the 1988 Ports ProCards set, Marino sporting a Ports jersey, Conroy wearing a Mudville jersey.

The two returned for 1989's ProCards and Star sets. Both had bats on those cards and appeared in their shop.

All Star Sports started inside Stockton's Stonewood Shopping Center. By 1990, though, it was at a new location, inside All Star Batters Box on Grider Way. (Neither Marino, nor Conroy are identified by name on the All Star Sports card, but are identified on the on-card ad and on the previous year cards.)

The All Star Batters Box appears to still be in operation in 2016, as a business by that name is listed on Monte Diablo Avenue. The Grider Way location appears in 2016 to be an indoor garden supply place. All Star Sports, however, appears to no longer be in business.
1990 Minor League Tally
Players/Coaches Featured: 2,491
Made the Majors:1,006-40.4%
Never Made Majors:1,485-59.6%
5+ Seasons in the Majors: 419
10+ Seasons in the Minors:256

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