1990 San Antonio Missions player profiles, AA Dodgers

Rafael Bournigal 1990 San Antonio Missions card

Features on each member of the 1990 San Antonio Missions, AA affiliate of the Los Angeles Dodgers.

San Antonio Missions (30)
Eric Karros 1990 San Antonio Missions card
1 - Rafael Bournigal played good defense, saw 7 ML seasons
2 - Jerry Brooks received minors praise, then saw 17 ML games
3 - Adam Brown felt invincible when he signed, not decade later
4 - Kevin Campbell saw bigs over 5 seasons, sometimes started
5 - Ernie Carr hit ball hard over 3 pro seasons, made AA
6 - Braulio Castillo worked hard to make bigs, saw 2 seasons
7 - Dale Coleman played 4 seasons, made AA with Dodgers
8 - Jon Debus showed loyalty to Dodgers over quarter century
9 - Steve Finken kept ML dream alive over five pro seasons
10 - Rob Giesecke arrived at Vero Beach with Dodgers, made home
11 - Tom Goodwin sped to 14 ML seasons
12 - Jeff Hartsock, Things Happened, 12/21/18
13 - Burt Hooton, Next Game, 12/28/18
14 - Mike James, That Much, 12/22/18
15 - Eric Karros, Some Longevity, 12/15/18
16 - Isidro Marquez, Well-Pitched, 11/13/18
17 - Luis Martinez, Quick Learner, 11/7/18
18 - Dan Opperman, Hard Part, 12/23/18
19 - Mike Pitz, Threw Strikes, 12/25/18
20 - Jim Poole, Pumped Up, 12/29/18
21 - Eddie Pye, He Relaxed, 1/2/19
22 - Lance Rice, Helped Out, 10/20/18
23 - Henry Rodriguez, Big Opportunity, 12/29/18
24 - Homar Rojas, Man of Baseball, 11/19/18
25 - Zak Shinall, Consistent Basis, 12/30/18
26 - John Shoemaker, The Goal, 11/3/18
27 - Dennis Springer, Being Different, 11/25/18
28 - Amilcar Valdez, The Difference, 12/31/18
29 - Mike White, Weird Experience, 12/27/18
30 - James Wray, Pitched Aggressively, 1/1/19

The 1990 AA Texas League
-Arkansas Travelers (27)
-San Antonio Missions (30)

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