1990 Southern League All-Stars, player profiles

Tony Brown 1990 Southern League All-Stars card

The AA Southern League held its 1990 All-Star Game at Chattanooga. These were the players selected, as well as some dignitaries who attended.

Southern League
1 - Tony Brown worked to hit the ball hard over decade-plus in pros
2 - Jeff Conine, Ground Floor, 7/4/19
3 - Will Magallanes, From Injury, 7/9/19
4 - Mike Maksudian, Those Guys, 7/5/19
5 - Brian McRae, Relaxed and Confident, 7/7/19
6 - Kenny Morgan, Real Pop, 7/20/19
7 - Jorge Pedre, Pretty Consistent, 7/8/19
8 - Stan Royer, Different Feeling, 7/24/19
9 - Matt Stark, Positive Attitude, 7/26/19
10 - William Suero, Been Tattooing, 7/10/19
11 - Frank Thomas, Dimension of Power, 7/15/19
12 - Lenny Webster, Tough Decision, 7/12/19
13 - Eddie Zosky, Confidence Builder, 7/16/19
14 - Scott Centala, Could Throw, 7/21/19
15 - Steve Chitren was driven by majors, made it over two seasons
16 - Greg Johnson, Called On, 7/3/19
17 - Carlos Maldonado, Fifth Outing, 7/22/19
18 - Will Schock, His Passion, 8/3/19
19 - Doug Simons, As Excited, 8/25/19
20 - Woody Williams, Good Time, 8/23/19
21 - Rob Wishnevski, Every Day, 8/21/19
22 - Mike Bell saw 2 seasons with Braves, then tried to get back
23 - Adam Casillas played 9 seasons, helped in record streak
24 - Greg Colbrunn hit long Dbacks HR, saw 13 majors seasons, 8/27/19
25 - Benny Colvard helped where he could over 6 pro seasons, 9/16/19
26 - Wil Cordero, Athletic Ability, 9/1/19
27 - Tony Eusebio, Hit Anything, 8/29/19
28 - Jeff Forney, Skills Learned, 8/20/19
29 - Luis Gonzalez, One Hit, 8/22/19
30 - Terrel Hansen, Wrong Time, 8/24/19
31 - Brian Hunter, Hit it Hard, 8/26/19
32 - Andy Mota, More Confident, 9/17/19
33 - Tom Redington, Next Year, 9/15/19
34 - Chico Walker, Playing Time, 9/14/19
35 - Doug Banning played seven seasons, one in Mexico, Made AAA
36 - Brian Barnes showed heart over 5 seasons with Expos, others
37 - Kent Bottenfield had tough insides, saw nine majors seasons
38 - John Kilner, More Consistent, 7/19/19
39 - Gino Minutelli, Found It, 7/18/19
40 - Heathcliff Slocumb, Next Level, 8/18/19
41 - Fernando Zarranz, Contending Talent, 8/10/19
42 - Mike Bell saw 2 seasons with Braves, then tried to get back
43 - Jeff Conine, Ground Floor, 8/4/19
44 - Frank Thomas, Dimension of Power, 8/5/19
45 - Andy Mota, More Confident, 8/6/19
46 - Frank Thomas, Dimension of Power, 8/15/19
46 - Jeff Conine, Ground Floor, 8/16/19
47 - Eddie Zosky, Confidence Builder, 8/17/19
47 - Mike Bell saw 2 seasons with Braves, then tried to get back
48 - Ken Berry saw 14 majors seasons as player, hoped for more
48 - Buddy Bailey worked on title teams through managing career
49 - Rick Sweet, That Mentality, 8/7/19
49 - Ron Gardenhire, Certain Way, 8/8/19
49 - Jeff Cox, More Practice, 8/9/19
49 - Jim Tracy, His Steadiness, 8/10/19
50 - Jimmy Bragan served as 'boom time' Southern League president
50 - Harmon Killebrew, Some Shots, 8/12/19
50 - Cal Ermer, So Much, 8/13/19

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