1990 Lynchburg Red Sox player profiles, Boston

Features on each member of the 1990 Lynchburg Red Sox, high-A affiliate of the Boston Red Sox as included in that year's team set. 

Lynchburg Red Sox (27)

  1. Odie Abril found pitching in Legion, took to 7 seasons
  2. Gary Allenson played in majors, knew later manager role
  3. Jim Bibby saw military service, back issues, then made bigs
  4. Greg Blosser saw 22 ML games in two seasons, also Japan
  5. Paul Brown looked forward to pro baseball, saw 5 seasons
  6. James Byrd played 7 pro seasons, made bigs for 2 games
  7. Brian Conroy gained velocity, saw 7 seasons, made AAA
  8. Freddie Davis showed confidence, saw 5 pro seasons, AA
  9. Luis Dorante played six seasons as catcher, then turned minors manager, skill evaluator, 3/25/23
  10. David Duchin helped players as minors trainer over at least six seasons with Indians, Red Sox, 3/22/23
  11. Peter Estrada worked hard to pitch, prove himself over six pro seasons; Made AA, 2/10/23
  12. Chris Hanks signed to learn, played 4 seasons, turned coach, 3/20/23
  13. Howard Landry knew pros wouldn't be easy; Saw three seasons, made high-A, then got injured, 2/21/23
  14. Chris Leach got out of college slump with cycle; Saw three pro seasons, made high-A, 3/15/23
  15. Miguel Monegro helped seal team's comeback at Elmira; Saw four pro seasons, made high-A, 2/18/23
  16. Ed Perozo wanted the chance, did job over nine pro seasons; Made high-A, independent ball, 2/10/23
  17. Scott Powers got key triple at AA in 1991; Saw five seasons, topped out there at AA, 3/26/23
  18. Tato Pratts pitched well at short-season Elmira; Saw four pro seasons, made single-A, 2/16/23
  19. Mickey Rivers, Jr. followed dad to pros, saw 4 seasons
  20. Ken Ryan kept ML hitters off balance
  21. Rennie Scott learned the screwball from a former major leaguer; Played over three pro seasons, made high-A, 2/24/23
  22. Tim Stange knew he had to earn college starting spot after injury; Played three pro seasons, made high-A, 3/19/23
  23. Willie Tatum dreamed of playing pro; Saw eight pro seasons, made AAA, passed in 2018, 3/5/23
  24. Scott Taylor heard crowd roaring after key ML strikeouts; Saw two ML seasons, 20 appearances, 2/12/23
  25. Les Wallin knew all he could do was play; Saw six pro seasons, topped out at AA, 3/25/23
  26. Chris Whitehead got married on the field at Lynchburg, saw three pro seasons; Killed in 1991 crash, 3/18/23
  27. Paul Williams impressed enough to be high Red Sox pick; Played decade in pros, made AA, 2/11/23

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