1990 Osceola Astros player profiles, high-A Houston

Ken Luckham 1990 Osceola Astros card

Features on each member of the 1990 Osceola Astros, high-A affiliate of the Houston Astros as included in that year's team set. 

Osceola Astros (31)
  1. Manny Acta became trusted voice as majors coach, manager
  2. Don Angotti played four seasons, then became a teacher
  3. Peter Bauer learned screwball change, saw 6 seasons, AA
  4. Mike Beams worked 8 seasons in Astros, Red Sox systems
  5. Jack Billingham gave up Aaron's 714th, saw 13 ML seasons
  6. Sal Butera made majors as player, then helped others there
  7. Carlo Colombino tried over decade. made AAA with Astros
  8. Gene Confreda served as trainer in minors, passed in 1990
  9. Chris Correnti became go-to trainer for Pedro, others
  10. Troy Dovey played five pro seasons, later went into movies, 9/22/13
  11. Rick Dunnum pitched wherever needed over four pro seasons, 3/12/24
  12. Brian Griffiths picked up confidence then saw 6 pro seasons, 3/7/24
  13. David Henderson played 6 seasons, suffered collapsed lung, 3/19/24
  14. Cole Hyson gave best shot over 5 seasons, opened pawn shop, 2/13/24
  15. Todd Jones fulfilled potential over 16 ML seasons, 319 saves, 2/18/24
  16. Jeff Juden proved a unique player over eight majors seasons, 1/5/19
  17. Frank Kellner saw 8 pro seasons, 5 in hometown, coached, 3/27/24
  18. Larry Lamphere made Pan Am team, saw three pro seasons, 3/26/24
  19. Mica Lewis worked on consistency, saw six seasons, AA, 3/25/24
  20. Kenny Lofton helped teams many ways over 17 majors seasons, 2/22/24
  21. Ken Luckham proved encouraging in AA start, 6 seasons
  22. Lance Madsen tried to relax, concentrate, saw 6 seasons, AAA, 2/11/24
  23. Scott Makarewicz thought big things at AA, saw 10 seasons, 2/19/24
  24. John Massarelli showed positive attitude over decade in pros, 3/2/24
  25. Dan Nyssen played 4 seasons, grew frustrated with progress, 3/11/24
  26. Ed Ponte made AA, then wanted to get back, saw 9 seasons, 3/17/24
  27. Howard Prager swung bat well in AAA game, saw seven seasons, 2/14/24
  28. Bobby Ramos showed heart, passion over decades-long career, 3/9/24
  29. Toncie Reed showed potential at Osceola, saw 3 pro seasons, 2/10/24
  30. Gabriel Rodriguez walked Griffey at AA, played 6 seasons, 3/5/24
  31. Rodney Windes proved reliable over 6 seasons, made AAA, 3/24/24

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